Motorola Siren

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Motorola Siren

Post by firefighter105 »

Hey folks.

I did a search and didnt come up with anything. I have a motorola Remote Mount Spectra and Siren DEK setup. I am currently trying to figure out how the siren set up is put together. Does anyone have any diagrams or schematics out there that would allow me to sort this out.

Thanks in advance.

been seeing way too many people who are DWBAD

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Re: Motorola Siren

Post by NB2E »

I don't have a diagram but it's fairly straight forward. A Siren/VRS cable (HKN4363) goes from the second DB25 connector on the spectra to the large block style connector (J1) on the siren. The cable has flying leads from the block connector for 12v pos & neg as well as siren speaker. These are pretty self explanatory. If you're using dual control heads you'll also need a "T" cable in order to hook up both the second head and the siren (some people call it a Y cable).

The motorola DEK typically goes with an A9 / S9000 control head and is connected using a short jumper from the VIP connector on the back of the control head to the rear of the DEK.

The siren/pa is then enabled in RSS under RADIO-WIDE>>>MORE OPTIONS (F9) and the DEK buttons configured under the RADIO HEAD section of the RSS.

If I missed something I'm sure someone will chime in.

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