XTS3000 Programming Issue

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The Comish
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XTS3000 Programming Issue

Post by The Comish »

I have an xts3000 UHF Model 450 MHZ to 520 MHZ. I need to program the frequency 469.9925 into the radio, but it comes up with the red error in the software and will not accept that frequency input. I appears to only accept 499.9000, 469.99375,and 469.99500. Is there a way to get the software to accept the needed frequency? I am using CPS R05.03.00.
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Re: XTS3000 Programming Issue

Post by fineshot1 »

1. Do you have the codeplug password protected? If so enter the proper password.
2. You may have to setup the personality for this channel for narrow band.
Hopefully that covers it - if not perhaps someone else can can come up with the solution.
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Astro Spectra
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Re: XTS3000 Programming Issue

Post by Astro Spectra »

It will work well enough on 469.99375 MHz, that's only 1.25 kHz off. Some radios drift that much anyway.

The reason you can't enter 469.9925 MHz is that the synth only does 5 and 6.25 kHz steps, your frequency would need a radio that can do 2.5 kHz steps. AFAIK the 5K can do this OK.
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The Comish
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Re: XTS3000 Programming Issue

Post by The Comish »

Thanks for all your help...programmed to 469.99375 and it works well.
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