ASTRO Spectra Service Work Needed - Looking to hire!

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ASTRO Spectra Service Work Needed - Looking to hire!

Post by wa8iqo »

I recently picked up a new old stock ASTRO Spectra Model: T04QLH9PW3AN, Flash: 100001-000000-7 dated 04/15/99.

I would like it changed to a T04RLH9PW9AN so I can use it on the 440 ham band with a W9 control head. I do not have the knowledge or equipment to flash, brun firmware or change a feature set, or what every it may require to achieve what I want it to do.

So, with that said - Is there anyone here who can perform this service at a reasonable cost? Please PM me with a quote. I can send the hole drawer or just the logic board if that's all you need.
Brad - WA8IQO
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Re: ASTRO Spectra Service Work Needed - Looking to hire!

Post by wa8iqo »

Topic closed.
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Re: ASTRO Spectra Service Work Needed - Looking to hire!

Post by saberjerk »

That will require a code plug change !! I've been asking on this forum for weeks and no one will help you.
I've been looking for that exact srec and all I get is crickets.
Sorry I couldn't help you. Believe me if I had that srec I would share it with you. ;-(
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Re: ASTRO Spectra Service Work Needed - Looking to hire!

Post by triptolemus »

saberjerk wrote:That will require a code plug change !! I've been asking on this forum for weeks and no one will help you.
I've been looking for that exact srec and all I get is crickets.
Sorry I couldn't help you. Believe me if I had that srec I would share it with you. ;-(
What a crybaby. Why must you hijack this guy's thread with your sniveling?

Wait - did you just post this garbage to a 5 month old thread which the OP indicated was finished?

Didn't you get a warning from the mods already?
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Re: ASTRO Spectra Service Work Needed - Looking to hire!

Post by saberjerk »

Just like I said !!
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Re: ASTRO Spectra Service Work Needed - Looking to hire!

Post by jackhackett »

If nobody is answering your request for an srec, it's probably because nobody has one. This site is nowhere near as busy as it used to be, and it may take some time before someone that can help you with that sees your post. It's not like we're all sitting here hoarding codeplugs and don't want to give them up. You're acting like nobody here wants to help, but that is why we are here, to help others. There just isn't anyone that can help you with your specific problem at this time.
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Re: ASTRO Spectra Service Work Needed - Looking to hire!

Post by saberjerk »

ok thanks jack
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Re: ASTRO Spectra Service Work Needed - Looking to hire!

Post by radiodude123 »

OP you are going about this the wrong way.
Find yourself a analog R split spectra and go from there. The Q band power amp and receiver preselector and VCO will never work on R band.
Once you find your R split analog spectra then transfer the Astro Command board and vocon to the analog radio.
Now you push your R split srec into the vocon. Then tune it up.
But since apparently the srec is non obtainium good luck.
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Re: ASTRO Spectra Service Work Needed - Looking to hire!

Post by wavetar »

Once again, topic is locked. saberjerk, if someone had a codeplug to share, I'm sure they would. You've even left a request on the codeplug supersite, so you've really done all you can do. Do not post about it here again.
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