Spectras with Zones - scanning questions

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Spectras with Zones - scanning questions

Post by k3td »

I have an an A4 remote mount VHF and an A7 remote mount UHF Spectra. Both are programmed for Zones. I have tried to follow the information in the Spectra Conventional Operating Manual, and have some questions about how scan works with Zones:

I can't seem to create scan lists from within the Zone. When I press and hold "Scan", the radio beeps, the triangle indicator under the Scan button flashes and the display shows "SEL MODE". But when I scroll to a mode I want to add to the scan list and press "Sel", I get a low frequency "bonk" instead of a beep. I've tried selecting different modes and pressing the "Sel" button numerous times, but no scan list is created when I select "Home". The scan indicator comes on and off when I press the "Scan" button, but the radio does not scan. Also,

Any ideas? Once I get the scan lists to work and get the radio to scan, I'm sure I'll have questions about the dual priority scan!

Thanks in advance for the help!
Tad, K3TD
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Post by Code3 »

When you create a Zone, it defaults to a fixed scan list.

In the zones screen (F4>F2>F7) hit "Scan options" (F8 )
Select the appropriate scan type, and make it Operator Selectable.

You shoudl be all set, I forget to do this all the time myself.

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Post by Leadenwah »

Enabling Zones causes certain features to become unavailable.

Some signaling such as MDC can be disabled if you enable Zones FIRST.

Sometimes it is the order in which you enable Zones which makes the difference, moslty it is a choice of Zones or some other feature where you cannot have both.

I had posted a question about my C-9 Spectra which shows a maximum of 250 modes....with Zones disabled, however, when I enabled Zones, the RSS immediately drops the maximum back to 150. I just didn't catch that, but a member pointed it out.

If you can get a copy of the " Spectra RSS User's Guide " Part RVN-4001, that can be a big help.

Good luck,
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Post by RKG »

With a zonable Spectra, you can (via RSS) create a separate scan list for each zone. You can also make that scan list operator programmable (via the method you have attempted). Note that if the Spectra permits "Priority Monitor" scan list types, then only talkgroups on the same trunking system are permissible scan list members (and attempting to a foreign t/g in the list will give you the reject "bonk"). If the scan list has not first been created via RSS, it will not be available for operator programming even though that option has been selected. Zone scan lists are not limited to channels or t/gs that are within the zone; when you go to scan list program mode, the "mode" rocker cycles through all modes in the radio, not just the ones tagged for the zone from which you invoked scan program mode.
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Post by EKS »

RKG wrote:With a zonable Spectra, you can (via RSS) create a separate scan list for each zone. You can also make that scan list operator programmable (via the method you have attempted). Note that if the Spectra permits "Priority Monitor" scan list types, then only talkgroups on the same trunking system are permissible scan list members (and attempting to a foreign t/g in the list will give you the reject "bonk"). If the scan list has not first been created via RSS, it will not be available for operator programming even though that option has been selected. Zone scan lists are not limited to channels or t/gs that are within the zone; when you go to scan list program mode, the "mode" rocker cycles through all modes in the radio, not just the ones tagged for the zone from which you invoked scan program mode.
That's what I did with mine.
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Post by k3td »

Thanks for the info! I forgot to mention the Spectras are conventional, not trunked.
Tad, K3TD
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Post by EKS »

k3td wrote:Thanks for the info! I forgot to mention the Spectras are conventional, not trunked.
I have the same VHF spectra that you do, and I did what RKG posted and it worked fine. I think I got the information from here actually on how to do it.
I love my A4, I just wish I could find a reasonably priced power cord for it. :)
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