Intermittent Volume and Mode switches on Spectra A7 head?

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Intermittent Volume and Mode switches on Spectra A7 head?

Post by k3td »

I'm getting some intermittent operation of the Volume and Mode buttons on my A7 remote Spectra head. Occasionally, pressing the Volume (down) rocker switch will change modes, and pressing the Mode button will change Zones. Could this be a dirty contacts problem, or is it something more serious?

Tad, K3TD
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Post by Pj »

Very well may have been a small hard object that got in there. Just take the screws out, and clean it. It comes apart very quickly and you can clean all the buttons etc out.
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Yes, Coffee and Hot Chocolate works well on electronics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by jackhackett »

Watch how you clean it.. you have to be very careful with the carbon contacts on the rubber membrane part. Don't get them wet, if you must clean them give them a light wipe with a dry paper towel, but you should touch them as little as possible to avoid rubbing the contact material off. If the rubber membrane is dirty you can use a slightly damp paper towel to wipe it clean, being careful not to touch the contacts

Also, before you take the head apart write down what button goes where, they're bound to all fall out and get mixed up.

The plastic housing and buttons can be cleaned in warm water with dish soap. For the gold contacts on the board I use a little alcohol. Make sure everything is good and dry before you put it back together.

From the symptoms you describe I would think it's more than just a little dirt though.. usually if the switches are dirty they just won't work, giving the wrong function would indicate something else, possibly corrosion.
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