QUICK CALL II - explanation for us confused kids

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QUICK CALL II - explanation for us confused kids

Post by DopeCop »

I am setting up several HT1550XLS radios. I am enabling QCII on all. There are three tone groups that need to be added to the radios. I am looking at the QCII system and see the call format with various formats.

and so on.

My understanding is this; (FORMAT AB/AC) Depending on the tone it looks at the A ID Tone and then the B ID Tone. If these are not the ID tone for the particular tone, it would look at AC next and if it matches, it sends the alert page. Am I correct in this assumption.

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Got it

Post by DopeCop »

Ok, its been a long day. Finally found what I was looking for after a little digging on this site. Here is what I found for those who have the same question:

Dual Call Formats

In this approach, two different dual tone sequential calls are possible through the programming of three tones (A, B, and C) in each radio. One of the three tones, either tone A or tone B, is used in both two tone sequential addresses. Radios and other communications devices are assigned two, three, or four digit Cap Code numbers, which may be interchangeably used for either individual or group calls. Therefore, in order to prevent confusion, the coding arrangements must be established at the time of system design. Examples of dual code group calls supported by the Maxtrac QC II Decoder include the A-B/A-C and A-B/B-C call formats.

Thats it, thats all, enjoy the show!
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