Is there anyway on this radio to program a repeater offset different than 0.5mHz offset? For example, I have a rx freq. of 146.16 and need a transmit of 145.77. I didn't know if this was possible with the software or not. It doesn't seem like you can do it without. If anyone knows, please let me know. Thanks!
OT: Kenwood TM-271A
Moderator: Queue Moderator
- Posts: 194
- Joined: Sun Feb 16, 2003 10:18 pm
- Posts: 194
- Joined: Sun Feb 16, 2003 10:18 pm
- MSS-Dave
- Posts: 770
- Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2003 6:02 pm
- What radios do you own?: Harris XL200M. XPR7550E, NX300
Hey find out how to do it?? Kenwood has owners manuals on their site atdereckpristas wrote:Software does it! Split frequencies...who would have thunk it!
Dereck click on Amateur radio and check the list. TM 271A has some different memories for programmable split if I remember right.
Well...Ex /\/\SS.
That explains why I couldn't find it at - it's too new! The good news is that any "new" rig would be capable of odd split repeaters.
Tad, K3TD