Spectra dual priority scan questions?

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Spectra dual priority scan questions?

Post by k3td »

I have a UHF A7 Spectra that is set up for zones. It will scan all of the frequencies in a Zone on a non-priority basis just fine. However, when I try to set the first and second priority modes, it takes me to a list of all the modes in the radio, not just the modes in that particular zone. Is that the way it is supposed to work? If so, can I select first and second priority modes that are not assigned to that zone?
Tad, K3TD
Posts: 4118
Joined: Fri Nov 28, 2003 9:46 am

Post by tvsjr »

Yes, you can scan channels that aren't a member of the selected zone, to a maximum of 16 channels in a scan list. All members (regardless if they're in the zone or not) can be PRI1, PRI2, or NPRI.
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