Pj wrote:Anyone care to provide where this information came from? Until someone can provide a link or other factual information, I am calling this bogus for now.
This information came from the people that were PRESENT in the court room.
The action Wednesday was in response to Motorola's "Motion for summary judgment."
Hon. Audrey B. Collins is very much a real person. Room 680 Edward R. Roybal Federal Building & Courthouse (Downtown LA) 255 E Temple St, Los Angeles 90012; (213) 894-3118.
The 9th District Court was where the Champion Spark Plug case was put to rest in 1947.
It probably won't show up online for a few days.
Stay-Con wrote:Patrick Harrington was found to lack believability as an expert witness.
I find that statement in itself to be #1 in the bogus factor, as I don't think you would see that in a court case as it was presented here on the board. Something just smells fishy.
Well, without resorting to an ad homonym attack, all I'll say is you should probably look elsewhere for the source of that fishy smell.
The judge said that Patrick Harrington lacks believability as an expert witness.
This was directly a result of my declaration regarding Patrick Harrington's "inspection" of the 17 XTS3000 radios at the Los Angeles County Office of Public Safety a few months ago.
I pointed out a couple of things regarding his "inspection." (1) When Patrick Harrington had the radios physically dissembled to check for counterfeit parts he instructed the technician to "don't bother looking under that shield, there's nothing there."
Sorry folks, that shield covered the Vocoder.
And, (2) If indeed they, Motorola, were claiming that being counterfeit radios, they wouldn't perform to the same specifications as a factory radio, then where was the service monitor?
There's NO way you can test transmit frequency and receive sensitivity on a radio with just a laptop running RSS.
The Judge's comments with regards to my declaration, "I don't know how a radio works, but this man is certainly believable."
The only thing bogus about all this are the actions taken by Motorola and Patrick Harrington.
Emoticons are the wheel chair ramps for the emotionally handicapped.