This forum is dedicated to helping people with questions about installing radio equipment in vehicles. This can include antenna installs, electrical wiring questions/problems, and mounting systems. Pictures of installs are welcome.

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Post by firemedic4 »

Does anyone have pics of a 2000 ford EXPEDITION radio and light install... i'm getting a used one in great shape and thinking what and where i should put stuff..... thanks bob
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Try this. It is not mine, but I was looking at it the other day and I was ERY impressed with the whole set-up.

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Oops, you said a 2000, that's a 2003, but you might get some idea's :roll:
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Post by alex »

That truck is on my to-see list when I get into boston next time...

So much to see and do - so little time.

Allcomm also posted those photo's for the board when they finish the product.

The Radio Information Board: http://www.radioinfoboard.com
Your source for information on: Harris/Ma-Comm/EFJ/RELM/Kenwood/ICOM/Thales, equipment.
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They sure did do a nice job on that installation. I would be curious about the price tag about having that done though??? :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Post by jim »

I still want to know why a NEWS TRUCK needs 20 radios
Wouldn't 2 scanners let them listen to what they need to hear?
This sounds like the case of a ham or a wacker that is employed by them and said "really.....yeah.....we really NEED this. You have to get it so we can get the story" and upper managemant has no clue.

And under whose license can they transmit on ANY frequency in those radios other then their own? Sorry, but I don't remember the last time that I have heard a news crew on a police of fire frequency talking to anyone and if they did, I'm sure that's the end of them. Just about all of the Pittsburgh based TV stations have only one or two frequencies licensed to themselves for two-way communications (other than up/down link, site-to-site and other cross communications frequencies.) A news truck comes to a scene around here and transmits on a PS frequency, I'm sure our Nazi dictator PD would kindly place some curvature in their MagLite with someone's face...not that that has EVER happened anywhere.

Sum it up in one phrase: "TECHNICAL MASTURBATION."
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What radios do you own?: APX / Astro 25 / Harris

Post by apco25 »


Just where do you see this truck txing on public safety frequency?

Unless my eyesight is bad the only mic I see is the handset hooked up to the X9000 and a Kenwood palm mic.

Everything else is a scanner or no mics attached.

I've seen plenty of major outlet news truck that have more than 2 radios installed.

THERE IS lots to be heard at large incidents. Maybe they need to listen to more than 2 channels at once a couple scanners? You don't know what their specific needs are and shouldn't sit there and soap box comment like that.

You have an excellent knowledge base here, but must you bash every install that floats across the board?

I NEVER see pictures of your "stellar" work or the unique installs you tell us we should post because everything else is run of the mill.. In fact you remind me of various people I've met over my career both in-house and contractors who "TELL" their customers what they "THINK" they need to have installed instead of supplying what the customer needs. I know what I need communications wise to get my job done and so do these folks.

I suppose my install comes in the wacker, technical masturbation category because I have 6 radios and a laptop?

Post some pics and show us to be the wackers you keep implying.
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Post by jim »

You DO fall under wacker with 6 radios and a laptop.

I don't need to post pictures of my stellar work all over the internet.

I have the best reputation in SWPA and everyone around here knows it. I retained all of my customers since I opened shop years ago. I don't care if you or anyone else in "non SWPA" sees my work, since none of you will ever be customers. Besides....I don't have time to set up wacker picture pages.

As for unique installs, the FWS has an 04 Tahoe here right now getting approximately 35K worth of equipment from radio, VRS, video, GPS, winch, dual battery/dual alternator conversion, custom cabinetry and console (not cheesey over-the-shelf Odyssey garbage) and such. Stop by and see it.

As for the wacker news truck. They obviously have PS frequencies with XCVR type radios. Why would one need multiple Spectras? WIth one (or 10) licensed news frequencies, a simple M1225 would work.

Two scanners will work just fine, wacker.
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What radios do you own?: APX / Astro 25 / Harris

Post by apco25 »

Then why don't you do us all a favor and take your opinions of this obviously wacker crowd elsewhere? You obviously look down upon everyone else here that does anything install related. If you don't have time for picture pages then why do you have 1600 posts? Oh I forgot you like picking on this forum.

You've made nothing but assumptions and rude/arrogant comments towards countless posts here. So now the type of radio dictates what someone does with it. Do you listen to yourself? So I suppose the sheriff's office here that has 48ch MTS2000 must be in the whacker category because they use only 4 channels? That sure is logical. The expedition install is mostly scanners anyway so I don't see your point that they are tx'ing ps frequencies.

I suppose the install USPSS or Alex has posted over time for their personal and agency vehicles is also whacker material. For that matter the professional shops that maintain websites of delivered vehicles must also be whackers since they have posted pics "all over the internet"

I'm the first person to point out wanna-be BS behavior, but your attitude towards everyone else here who installs or has had equipment installed for legitimate reasons is nothing but crap.

Offer something constructive besides looking down your nose when someone asks where to find a horn ring circuit.

What is the point of this forum then?

Oh and for the record I have authorized channels on every damn radio I have - so I DO need 6 radios. So 2 radios and a scanner isn't going to work.

Or the mobile command center I built for a municipality out here is nothing but a big whacker toy too.

Jim, lighten up and relax.
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Post by Tech225 »

As far as the news truck is concerned, is there an advantage to using the older metal-housing speakers over the newer plastic type? I've seen this before, but didn't know if there was a reason for it.
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Post by GroundRat »

I would love to hear the reasoning and justification for having 20 multichannel radios mounted in a single vehicle - a news vehicle no less.

Seems like over-kill to me . . .
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Post by Sam »

GroundRat wrote:I would love to hear the reasoning and justification for having 20 multichannel radios mounted in a single vehicle - a news vehicle no less.
Well, I'll take a crack at it, being an engineer and resident scannerhead at a TV station. I don't know how you'd justify it, but here's the reasoning:

A few separate receivers work better than a scanner or two when you're trying to hear high-activity channels and lower-activity channels at the same time. We often miss fire calls because the city police repeaters keep the scanners tied up. Even with two or three scanners, it's hard to interlace them so that the city police, town PD's, sheriff, city fire, county fire, city ambulance, county EMS, a handful of surrounding counties with fire, EMS, sheriff, and local PD's plus the State Police, Coast Guard, ARFF, turnpike, and intermod all get "equal time". If you can put the city PD dispatch on its own receiver, it won't tie up the scanners. If you put city fire on its own, you don't miss anything. One scanner can run the outlying counties, another can do the local PD's and admin channels, etc. Then, of course, one of the outlying counties just *has* to go trunked. Add the two-way to the newsroom and maybe another to engineering and pretty soon it adds up.

Unlike most public safety agencies, who probably need to hear only themselves and maybe a neighboring town, we need to catch it all. The assignment editor is probably on the phone setting up interviews, coordinating live shots, and covering sick calls (besides, his twin Bearcats are programmed *identically* so they're both stuck on the same traffic stop).

Everybody has their own idea of what they need, I guess. When I do the install on the chief photographer's new Jeep next week, he's getting a Maxar-80, a BC350 and a phone. Twenty radios is probably more ego than anything. Not that it wouldn't be a cool truck to have...
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Post by jim »

First off, this is NOT A PICTURE POST, dipship.

Second, I provided more install solutions and answers than anyone out here. You know that, I know that. I fact, just about everyone knows that. Why would anyone have YOU equip a vehicle if you are not in that business? Do you even have a business license to do so? Do you have a state/federal tax license to do so? In fact, if your mobile command truck that you build burns up tomorrow, I'm sure your 1.5 million dollar product insurance policy will buy them a new one. But I'm sure you have that all covered.

Third, a sheriff's office isn't a wacker for having MCSs with 4 channels. They are A MUNICIPAL ENTITY THAT USES THEM FOR TRANSMIT- not a news crew. They are also not a wacker vollie fireman or wannabe volunteer forest ranger that wants to "ooh and aah" everyone with a pile of radios.

Fourth, if a business wants to post pictures all over the Internet, that is their First Amandment right in the USA to do so. I don't. My posing of this $500,000 command truck sitting out in my shop does nothing if one sees it in New Mexico. I don't care about out there or Illinois or anywhere other thatn Western Pa.

Fifth, as for Alex's or USPSS' vehicle, I have no problem. In fact, I have no problem with yours. You are just assuming that I do since I called you a wacker (and you are).

Sixth, what six bands could YOU possibly use as a private civilian other than 6 ham bands? Lets's see.....lowband A, lowband B, VHF, UHF, 800. Hmmm. That's 5. I'll BET that you are SOOOOO important that your county's operations would cease without you. I'm jealous.

Seventh, whenever someone asked for a horn ring color, I GAVE IT, [idiot]. In fact, if someone asks for somthing that simple (or a wigwag/backflash color), they shouldn't touch ANY vehicle. A 14 year old vo-tech student could figure that out.

Maybe we should all be more like you and Code3Resonse and ride around in our Suburbans and Tahoes with one hand on the wheel and the other in our pants.

Since YOU (almighty God) don't want me here because I dont' post pretty little picutures and actually provide good information, I'll leave with that. If anyone needs me, email me.

Now go :o yourself, APCO25 (aka- biggest piece of [ Moderated ]wacker in existance).

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What radios do you own?: X9000 thru APX

Post by Pj »

Ok, I'll get my balls busted by Alex, but here I go...

eng5 brings up a good point. At my dispatch center, we have radios one no less than 18 channels, not by choice. Its gets busy at times, and these are just to communicate with one or two other depts or agencies. Most news media's monitor 100's of channels just to make sure they are getting all their leads that they need. You lock one scanner on an incident, you still need to listen to the others. In a large metro area like Boston, there are MANY smaller cities, towns and villages in the area, AND you may need to travel here, there or everywhere. There was a post here about a year ago with a simialiarly (sp?) configured Expedition out of San Diego I think. No big noise there.

Either way Jim, as much as you have helped some of us, your demanor is very questionable at best. You do raise doubt with people here with your attitude. People here would like to see picutres of your work, as the ones on your website really don't look to stellar. Being condensending to people just isn't right, especially when you have many people here who want to learn. We have all been there, done that.

I also have to say that unless you do the job (been there/done that with years of exp), let the customer pick out their vehicle componets, with options. Not just "this is what you need, end of story" which you seem to have. I also have been burned there too....

As for APCO25, I do know him, and what he does for employment, and what he has is REQURIED for his work. You point out all his radio's, and there is a need. MA/COM doesn't have a wide band lowband radio...there are two radio's right there. Around my area, I suffer from the same thing. Some fire is in the 30's, others in the 40's and you need to talk to both. What's one to do? Hell, in the 5-Town area that I cover, we have Lowband (30's and 45+), VHF, UHF, UHF-LTR, 800 with EDACS and SmartZone. I admit that I have more than the minimum, but I have also had my ass bit because it was just "the min". Better to be prepared then ill-fated.

State Tax ID: $25
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Lowband radio. The original and non-complicated wide area interoperable communications system
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What radios do you own?: Radar Range

Post by JAYMZ »

My only question is... (in several parts and sub-sections)

Jim, what devine autority gave you the right to call someone a whacker? Because they have a few radios in their car? Do you know these people personally?

And if you don't know them personally how did you get the omni-presence to know EXACTLY what they use them for? Because quite honestly if someone wants 5 radios in there car... let them have it. If they use them all for HAM.. all the better. Just means they enjoy their hobby. Your trolling (my opinion, and a strong one at that) has done nothing but hurt your own integrity as the one who doesn't need to
jim wrote:"post pictures of my stellar work all over the internet."
Leave people alone if they want to install half of the substock in the Whelen factory in their car. If they need help share your knowledge. Don't degrade them because they are enjoying a hobby. As a businessman you should know that being the better person can sometimes bring you great rewards. Your spouting off at the lips here could actually hurt your business... Just ponder that little point. If you want to flame me for it.. go right ahead. I enjoy getting roasted once in a while.

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What radios do you own?: APX / Astro 25 / Harris

Post by apco25 »


Didn't your mother teach you not to swear in public?

Thanks for comparing me to a 14 year old code3response.

I'm not a wanna-be either. I am sure all the fine people who volunteer across this country as fire, EMS and reserve law enforcement thank you for calling them wanna-bes.

I get PAID like any other public safety professional.

Where the hell do you get wanna be forest ranger from?????

I looked over your website which oddly enough has pics on it? WHY?


I thought posting pics was taboo for you?

Even stranger I see several vehicles with more than 1 radio..... like a k-9 car with 4 radios or another rig with 3? What could they possibly do with THAT many?

Everyone, no matter what your paid or volunteer status is around the country... police, fire, or ems.... Jim says we can only have 2 cups and piece of string!

Grow up, get old and go on with your life Jim.

Why waste a second of it us the little pee-ons you've already labled us as.
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Post by dbcomm »

Only my 2 cents; God forbid I offend anyone - Which brings me to my point. I was under the impression when I joined recently, that this board was developed to bring installers together to swap ideas/methods, post pictures, etc. With posts like this one, I'm sure new members are hesitant to ask questions. On another note, If I want to install 40 radios in my wife's honda, program every frequency in the northern hemisphere, and erect a small Rohn tower on the trunk, it's no one's business but mine (and probably the DMV's ;)

However, if I was to need assistance installing the tower, this should be the place to go. No matter how disagreeable the install, alert those asking questions to the fact of the possible dangers/pitfalls regarding their install and then tell them what they need to know to complete their project, or leave the topic alone. Again, my 2 cents.
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What radios do you own?: W7 FPP lowband MaraTrac w/AES

Post by 007 »

Well, I guess I'm the ultimate wacker.

Not only do I have 3 radios in my POV, my LE doesn't pay enough and EM doesn't pay at all but...

In my spare time I'm restoring a police car too! It even has... -gasp- ...operational lights and radios. And no, it's not a 3 year old CVPI like the real wackers have...it's an almost 16 year old Chevy and hasn't been in service for 14 years.

Oh my god!

Uh-oh, mondo wacker alert!


My thought on it: Bite me.
Do not make Sig angry...he'll just keep ringing the bell.
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What radios do you own?: STX, Spectra, Maxtrac, MTS2000

Post by davkenrem »

What is a "whacker"?
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Post by c17loadsmasher »

Plain language is the DEVIL. Ten-Codes Forever!!!
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Post by jcobb »

Help - stop me! I can't help it....

"I'm a wacker - he's a wacker - don't you want to be a wacker too!!"


"be a wacker - ooooooh, be a wacker!
be a wacker - ooooooh, be a wacker!"

With profound apologies to Dr. Pepper Bottling Co.'s "Be a Pepper" advertising jingle......


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What radios do you own?: APX / Astro 25 / Harris

Post by apco25 »

I was thinking along the lines of the :o song from southpark...
"Some men just don't know their limitations"
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What radios do you own?: AM/FM

Post by thebigphish »

"....courtney cox.....i love you....you're so great.....on that show...."


sorry, wrong song.
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What radios do you own?: STX, Spectra, Maxtrac, MTS2000

Post by davkenrem »

So it's really not defined then huh?
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Post by RadioSouth »

Hey, live and let live. Whoever got the boss to write the check for this
is to be commended. It's a Boston station and I know from 1st hand experience that scanners in the car in a metro area are often plagued with
intermod and front end overload. Commercial grade radios work much better in this setting. If he's using them as single channel monitors as suggested it's real conceivable that he might want to listen to 20 frequencies, while being a bit obtrusive and expensive it's also simpler than managing a few radios scanning.
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What radios do you own?: XTS5000, APX2000

Post by PhillyPhoto »

Maybe he wanted to use real radios for the simple fact as previous stated, scanners suck when trying to recieve a good signal. When I see a scanner with Motorola on the outside (not Radio Shack) maybe I'd consider using them as a primary listening source. I've seen an astro spectra pick up Phily's system from exit 10 on the New Jersey turnpike, whereas a scanner drops the signal a couple towns away.

I don't think there's anything wrong with 20 radios, if you have the money for them. I wouldn't consider the install a whacker job. I'd consider
On another note, If I want to install 40 radios in my wife's honda, program every frequency in the northern hemisphere, and erect a small Rohn tower on the trunk, it's no one's business but mine
a whacker ride.
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Post by paramedic218 »

let me tell you how it feels on a newbe point of view.

i am almost afraid to post any of the work that i have done FOR FREE to my local VFDs. i enjoy installing and would love to post things to get some ideas if i do something wrong. but if i am doing something wrong i dont want to be put down and that goes on alot here. the problem i think is there are people out here that make a living doing installs and there are others that do it for fun. the ones that do it for fun make the people that do it for 50 to 100 per hr feel threatened. sorry you people are just like all the /\/\ shops that charge an arm and a leg for programing a radio.

if someone wants to put 30 strobe lights and 15 radios in a car more power to them. it is there stuff. if it was a big problem then i am sure that the FCC would be after them.

after saying this i am no longer afraid to post my installs so they are soon to come. and remember when i do post them i did them for FREE
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Post by comm2 »

So what about the Expedition?
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Post by Cheeko »

Hi guys

Just thought as a fellow whacker :lol: id jump in here, first off I dont care if that had 2 radios or 20 its one bloody nice install if my installs look half that nice to the end user im going to be a happy bunny.

Just to clarify does anyone else thing this is a bit over the top

Volvo V40 (estate)
Edge lightbar
Rear covert strobes in indicators
front covert strobes in indicators
TIR6 Grille lights
Microlight Fend of front and rear bumper sides ( TO BE FITTED)
TIR 3 in rear windwo ( to be fitted)
Talon ( on order not yet hear)
dueal coloured red/amber led in tailgate ( TO BE FITTED)
NOKIA car kit
Tait Loband
UHF handheld
VHF handheld x 4

Just wondered does that make me a whacker think Ill change my callsign to wacker 1 lol
all the best guys and keep up the good work iv had so much help of here over the past 12months and its always giving me good ideas that you dont see over here in the UK too often so gives me an edge in my business

All the best
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