MCS2000 / SYNTRX Plus / GM1200 - No transmit - RJ45 Fault???

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MCS2000 / SYNTRX Plus / GM1200 - No transmit - RJ45 Fault???

Post by Johnno »

I have an MCS2000 witha slight problem. When it has the MCS2000 head on it, it behaves normally except for the problem of no transmit when the PTT is pressed.
I used the head off an GM1200 and although none of the controls (channel up/down, volume and the like) work, when a mic is connected and PTT pushed all is fine (draws about 6A).
When I purchased the unit. I discovered it was programmed with a later wersion of CPS (after 06.04.00) than I have. Although I am not too fussed about changing the frequencies. I am unable to blow in a MCS2000 III codeplug to make the GM1200 head work.
Has anyone here come across a fault with the control head that would appear as though no mic is connected?
Would it be some general component failure on the control head board I could repair?
Thanks in advance,
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What radios do you own?: XTL2.5K,XTS2.5k, P25 stuff....

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