Converting MT2000 800 mhz for 900 mhz ham bands

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Converting MT2000 800 mhz for 900 mhz ham bands

Post by N2YP »

Is there a way to use an MT2000 800mhz HT on the 900mhz ham bands? How? TIA
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Post by willbartlett »

well, you can swap the 800 mhz RF board for a 900 mHz board, and lab another s-record of 900 mhz radio into the controller, butthat's about it. Even with the band limits changed in the RSS, i've never seen an 800 mhz radio tx above 900, maybe 903. Recieve might go to 930, but the sens will suck. Even if you put a 900 mHz board in, the filtering is pretty tight, I don't think it's been successfully accomplished.

I have a spare 900 mHz board if you really want to try, wouldn't mind trading for an 800 mHz board, but that might not be a fair trade :lol:

Thanks, Will
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