Caller ID on an XTS-3000 using CPS

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Caller ID on an XTS-3000 using CPS

Post by Caffiene »

I know in the past that I have enabled an option that I remember as "Caller ID" in the RSS. I did this on an older XTS-3000 (512 K firmware I beleive), as well as a MTX-2000. When this option was enabled, I was able to see the radio ID of the person initiating the PTT. It worked fine on a local Type II/IIi trunked system.
Now I've switched to using CPS and a 1 Meg XTS and I can't find that option. I got it working on a 800 MHz conventional system using MDC-1200. However, I can't get it working on the trunked system.
BTW, the trunked system does not use MDC or Modat.
I'd go back to the RSS, but as some of you may know, once you use CPS, you can't go back to RSS unless you saved an "untouched by CPS" codeplug for that radio.
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Post by alex »

Just an idea - maybe you need to go into the display information and change the display time that it'll show the ID to be longer than it is. I remember a friend that had the same problem, and that fixed it.

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Post by Twisted_Pear »

It's a firmware compatibility thing. Regardless of what the RSS allows you to disable or enable, it doesn't know if the radio will do it or not. It is different than ID Display for ASTRO. I don't know how to verify if it supports it other than to program it in and see if it appears. From experience, and only with 900 versions, MTS2000s usually have to be a CN version. Caller ID only applies to analog.

FWIW, it grabs the call grant off the control channel just prior to channel steer. The radio has to see the grant in order to get the RID. ASTRO actually transmits the txing radio's id in the background data.
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More Weirdness

Post by Caffiene »

In addition to caller ID not working, I can't get the radio to display the channel text of another channel while in scan.
In other words, if the radio is in scan, and if the radio is switched to channel 2 and channel 1 becomes active, the information for channel 2 is still shown in the display. I hear the audio for channel 1, but the display still says channel 2.
Again, it works correctly for ASTRO, and conventional channels, just not analog trunked. GGrrrr.... :x
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Post by Caffiene »

FWIW, the problem with incorrect channel text was resolved. I had an error in the Zone/Channel assignment. The radio was always staying on one talkgroup hence the Channel ID text was not changing.

As far as the Unit ID appearing in the display, I still have that problem and still haven't found out why. It's low on the list of things to do.
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Post by Hightower »

I can't get the MDC-1200 caller ID to work either. The display displays the MDC-1200 ID, but I cant get an Alias to work. The alias is set for MDC1, as well as the MDC ID is also set, but alias will NOT show up for some reason. I can get it working with a HT1250 (Grrrr), but not Astro III. What gives?
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Post by HumHead »

Unfortunately, for whatever reason, it doesn't look like text based MDC ID aliasing is supported on the ASIII (Despite the fact that it's in the RSS/CPS help files!)

I've spent quite a bit of time on the issue through trial and error, this board, and Motorola's tech group, and I'm afraid that I can say pretty definitively that if you want text based MDC1200 aliasing (or QCII siganling) on the Astro Saber line, you're out of luck.

Go figure.......
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