Old Astro Saber, What would explain Timeout error when read?

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Old Astro Saber, What would explain Timeout error when read?

Post by Zap »

AP R03.32.00
DSP 05.01.03

I've tried Saber & Astro saber cable.
All software versions the shop had.

Different com ports.

Same error all the time (except on the wrong com port).

Won't read. Radios LCD display does not change from normal display.

If it's the software, please recommend best version.
A local shop has AstroLab8. Should that work every astro
radio from very old to very new? even VSELP?

I've tried mo'slo at 100% 99% 90% 50% . Software won't start.
I've tried on pentiumIII, windows & shell dos.
486 in shell dos (win95).
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Post by AEC »

First off, there is a difference with Astro cables over the standard Saber's, the pin connection is different, and will not work.

I believe on the Astro cable, pin 6 on the DB-25 is used, and on the Saber/Systems Saber cable, pin 15 is used.

Easy to add a DPDT switch and toggle between the two, but they will not work as-is.

As for the RSS and computer, try running DOS by itself and NOT in a windows shell extension.

The UART is controlled fully in DOS, as a windows shell does not and many RSS versions will not function.

As for MoSlo...DUMP IT, it's GARBAGE!

Good luck!

P.S I hope you did NOT attempt to write to the Astro radio with regular RSS, if you did, you probably bricked that radio.

You may be able to restore it with a reprogram of a proper codeplug and channel/tuning data, try getting the RSS/computer to work first, then worry about the radio.
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Post by Zap »

I have a cable with a SPDT switch.
15 is a constant, 1 is ground, bias= 4+11
(Astro) 6<---/BUSY--->8 (non-Astro)

Mo'slo may not be this solution but it works someplaces.

I have never been able to read this (since yesterday).
I believed that Astro905 (for example) should read this.
It WILL read an XTS3K when the cable is changed, windows or not.

The cable "can't" be wrong, I've ohmed it out.
Software works, but is this is the right software for this HOST? <<<

Is there a jumper (like on the maxtrac) that if you ground it, it goes into testmode?

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Post by AEC »

There are no jumpers to ground on any Saber portable.

Your version of RSS may be incompatible with the radio, if the last version the radio was programmed with was a later release than the version you are currently using, this could pop an error up for you.

There are certain aftermarket R.I.Bs that do not work with certain radios, as not all after market interface boxes are built on the same circuit platform, many are missing specific pins for data, and bias, Etc..

They may work well with most makes and models, but 'puke' on others.

If your computer has an IR port for connection to external devices, try diabling that feature and its IRQ as well, this may be a snag that is holding you back, it was for me with several radio models before I 'found' the problem.
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Post by Zap »

If I comm port test, I get timed out error.
If I do a read I get Reqest not ACKed/NAKed ERROR
same as if the radio is off, or switched to sys saber, or disconnect cable from radio.

If I disconnect the cable from the RIB PROTOCOL ENTRY ERROR.

I use an aftermarket RIB.
BET THAT'S IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But from where to borrow a original RIB???

Thanks for your help thus far.

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Post by AEC »

One of the best aftermarket RIBs still being sold is the Polaris, btu they are getting pricey, darn near what Circle-M wants for theirs.

http://www.polarisindustries.com ( I think that's the link.)

You can always Google polaris and probably come up with the proper link.

As for others, you can always try Ebay and check out kawa's offerings, they are cheap(as in $20.00) for a copy, and actually do work quite well, which is a surprise, but pleasant.
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Post by AEC »

A Protocol erroe suggests the RIB is not communicating with the radio.

I'd be willing to bet a necessary pin is missing in order for the radio to communicate with the RIB.

Check the DB-25 connector that plugs onto your prog. cable and see if the needed connections are matched to the cable, say, pins 4+11 being jumpered on the cable that match a connection to the same pins on the DB-25 (not that the DB-25 will be jumpered, but should have traces leading to those pins).

You'll probably be best served if you have both schematics on hand to verify routing and wiring of the cable and the RIB in question.
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