Sorry I confused everyone. My question is, Does anyone know if you can connect a IR Site to a Gold Elite console when there is NO Z.C. , and if so how ?
There is no zone controller. The IR site is a four channel 500 mhg stand alone. I have spectra mobiles as control stations connected to the centra com gold elite console. Can the console via this method decode astro ID, emergency. Or is their a way to connect the IR site to the console keep inmind that there is NO Zone Controller. Just site trunking.
Astro IR Site Gold Elite Console
Moderator: Queue Moderator
I assume that you are also trying to get someone within Motorola to address this issue.
I have been thinking about this since I got your PM. I don't have a solution for you at this time.
On possible path to getting emergency into the dispatch center would be to acquire a 'terminal' product - like System Watch or Site Lens. This device would display the emergency information.
Another possibliity would be to deploy a separate parallel (co-site) conventional repeater dedicated to emergency traffic. This would be connected to an Astro (conventional / non-trunked) channel resource in the CEB through a DIU. The subscriber units (mobiles & portables) would have to be programmed to revert to that channel when an emergency button is pressed.
I'm still thinking - if I come up with something, I'll be in touch.
I have been thinking about this since I got your PM. I don't have a solution for you at this time.
On possible path to getting emergency into the dispatch center would be to acquire a 'terminal' product - like System Watch or Site Lens. This device would display the emergency information.
Another possibliity would be to deploy a separate parallel (co-site) conventional repeater dedicated to emergency traffic. This would be connected to an Astro (conventional / non-trunked) channel resource in the CEB through a DIU. The subscriber units (mobiles & portables) would have to be programmed to revert to that channel when an emergency button is pressed.
I'm still thinking - if I come up with something, I'll be in touch.
Ah, makes a little more sense now.
I've only worked with one stand-alone IR system, with no CentraCom hook-up, so my knowledge is limited.
I take it you're saying there's no way to interface an IR site to a TIMI card like you can with the Central Controller in a standard 6809 stand-alone trunking system? I'd have thought Motorola would've built that functionality into IR systems, since they eventually want them to replace the standard 6809 systems that are out there, and many of them are interfaced to a CentraCom system via TIMI links. That would allow you to decode PTT-ID & emergency no problem. Otherwise, I don't know off-hand, XMO's suggestion of SmartWatch or Site Lens are the only things that come to mind for me as well.
I've only worked with one stand-alone IR system, with no CentraCom hook-up, so my knowledge is limited.
I take it you're saying there's no way to interface an IR site to a TIMI card like you can with the Central Controller in a standard 6809 stand-alone trunking system? I'd have thought Motorola would've built that functionality into IR systems, since they eventually want them to replace the standard 6809 systems that are out there, and many of them are interfaced to a CentraCom system via TIMI links. That would allow you to decode PTT-ID & emergency no problem. Otherwise, I don't know off-hand, XMO's suggestion of SmartWatch or Site Lens are the only things that come to mind for me as well.
There is a way. It is not shipping yet, but I have seen a beta version working that would do what you describe at 800 Mhz. Keep digging at M!
Check this link- ... onsole.jpg
Check this link- ... onsole.jpg
Last edited by AgentBat on Fri Aug 09, 2002 5:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
OK, I'll bite. What's an IR? Intermediate Repeater?
A few more details. In a conventional Motorola trunked system, all the repeaters are controlled by a "central controller". This controller contains all the system info which makes the system tick, such as System ID, and a database which contains all the valid talkgroup & individul ID's. The controller also makes the decisions as to which repeater(s) are available & assigns the voice call to a free repeater. A typical central controller rack includes such cards as a CSC (Central Site Controller), an IRB (Inbound Recovery Board), one or more TIB's (Transmit Interface Board), one or more RIB's (Receiver Interface Board). Depending on configuration, there may also be ACB's (Asynchronous Controller Board), Matrix board, and PLIB's (Phone Line Interface Board), among many possible others. This entire setup (be it Type I or Type II), is often referred to as a "6809 trunking system". 6809 refers to the microprocessor which is used in all the "smart" cards in the system.
In a Intelli-Repeater setup, a single Quantar repeater takes the place of all those boards, effectively simulating a Motorola 6809 trunking system. Much more space & cost effective.
A standard 6809 system interfaces directly to a CentraCom system via TIMI cards to provide PTT-ID & emergency signalling, among other things. Apparently a Intelli-Repeater system will not do the same. I don't see why not, as it can definitely pass the same information to a SmartZone Zone Controller. Perhaps someone else with a more experience with IR systems can shed a little more light on the subject.
In a Intelli-Repeater setup, a single Quantar repeater takes the place of all those boards, effectively simulating a Motorola 6809 trunking system. Much more space & cost effective.
A standard 6809 system interfaces directly to a CentraCom system via TIMI cards to provide PTT-ID & emergency signalling, among other things. Apparently a Intelli-Repeater system will not do the same. I don't see why not, as it can definitely pass the same information to a SmartZone Zone Controller. Perhaps someone else with a more experience with IR systems can shed a little more light on the subject.