WANTED: Product manuals/information/Knowledge base

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WANTED: Product manuals/information/Knowledge base

Post by Pj »

In an effort to expand the knowledge base, I am looking if people have product manuals, sales information, sales guides etc in the PDF format that they are willing to share with me.

Right now I would like to expand on the older radio lines such as the MT1000, HT6000, HT1000, P200, Spectra, Syntor etc.

I have access to many of the newer products, just nothing of the older stuff.

If you have any sales sheets that shows options and/or prices, configurations blah blah, what would also be helpful to add.

In addition, if you have some time to kill, or don't want to send anything - please by all means create a topic in the knowledge base if there isn't one already. I'd like to see sections for sales materials, accessories, part numbers and just general information (along with hacks etc).

If you do choose to add to the knowledge base, please keep eveything under the radio itself (don't create a topic of "MT1000 accessories" if there is already a master topic of "MT 1000". Just add to it.
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Post by Pj »

Just a point of clarification...

I am looking for PDF (or whatever format) so I can extract information as needed from them, and its much easier to transfer the info.

At this time, we cannot host the actual manuals, so I am using them for part numbers, models numbers, options etc.
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Post by Bruce1807 »

Shame the manuals cant be hosted as we all know whats on MOL with the right access.
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What radios do you own?: X9000 thru APX

Post by Pj »

Yeah. Right now I can get some of the more recent stuff, but unless older stuff is hosted (which I haven't seen), if all by hard copy.

I know some shops have gone and scanned the manuals before they are destroyed and NLA.

I'd love to have us host manuals, but at the same time I don't want mother moto crying about having their copyrighted stuff here, etc etc.

Until we can get the pages and TOC commands to work in the KB, each radio will have one long article :)
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Post by wavetar »

Bruce1807 wrote:Shame the manuals cant be hosted as we all know whats on MOL with the right access.

Yeah, dealer access...although I've heard of cases where Joe Public was given access (accidental, no doubt). The manuals are still available in hard copy for a price, so I wouldn't want to host anything that'll grab M's attention. If someone has PDF's of NLA manuals, that's a different story.

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Post by Bruce1807 »

wavetar wrote:
Bruce1807 wrote:Shame the manuals cant be hosted as we all know whats on MOL with the right access.

Yeah, dealer access...although I've heard of cases where Joe Public was given access (accidental, no doubt). The manuals are still available in hard copy for a price, so I wouldn't want to host anything that'll grab M's attention. If someone has PDF's of NLA manuals, that's a different story.

I have direct customer access (SZ 4.1 owner)so have access to all the infrastructure manuals etc. I just wish theyd throw Quantar/Quantro manuals in PDF.
I'm looking at upgrading to 7.4 but they only have manuals to 7.2 in pdf
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Post by Rayjk110 »

If you need me to, I can create some KB stuff on the P1225/M1225 stuff. I have manuals lying around for those here.
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Post by alex »

Rayjk110 wrote:If you need me to, I can create some KB stuff on the P1225/M1225 stuff. I have manuals lying around for those here.
Sure - you can contribute anything you'd like - it's open to everyone.

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What radios do you own?: XTS3000/astro spectra/

Post by wazzzzzzzzup »

i have a 1976 motorola product sales brochure book, the stuff in there is amazing, mobiles portables bases,pagers (the pictures of some 70's dude wearing a clip on pager is too funny :) )
these brochures are in the same format as many 1990's radio brochures with pictures and specs laid out the same way.

i also have a really cool 1972 motorola mini book that talks about the recently approved (in 1968) 800 and 900 spectrum that will serve the communication needs of the future, mentioning trunking type systems in particular as well as alot of info about the future cellular systems of the 80's, when reading it you would figure youre reading something from the mid 80s but knowing it was actually printed in 72 blows me away.

i have converted this 72 book to PDF with very good quality.
i am in the process of converting all those 1976 brochures to PDFs but i am only about 25% thru the big book. HOW can i get the PDF files posted so fellow batlabbers can view them?

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Post by Rayjk110 »

I tried entering some 1225 information, but it seems as tho I cannot post anyhing in the KB forum.
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Post by alex »


You can post - but you can NOT create new topics.

In order to post an article, you must:

1) Be part of the user group (Knoledge Base Team).
2) Go in to knoledge base http://batboard.batlabs.com/kb.php
3) Choose your category
4) Click submit article (you may see some errors on submission, but it did get submission). Note: The link is under the KNOLEDGE BASE image - it's kinda hidden, but it's there.

Once the article is submitted, any mod or admin can simply approve it. We get emails stating that one is posted, and usually is very quickly approved.

Additionally, you need approval to join the group - and an email notification goes out to that fact as well. I'll get you setup and going pretty quickly if you want to submit information.

When the article is submitted, then a new topic is created in that forum, and it is published. As you make edits, notes are made in the forum. You can also make comments, ask for changes, etc, from the origional author by updating their thread. Any information is welcome as long as it follows the general theme of the board.

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