About Knowledge Base

This forum houses the BatBoard Knowledge Base. In here you will find sub forums which will have articles written to help support and guide your way through the Motorola world. These topics cover everything from Centracom's to product pricing. The topics shown in this forum are from the old Batboard version 2.x boards, and links will not work. Feel free to post requests for articles or other information you think should be posted in here.

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About Knowledge Base

Post by alex »

At the top right of every page (near where you click to login/check your private messages) there is a new link (well, it's been there for ~ a month) called Knowledge Base.

Here, you can read and submit articles about stuff - much like what you see on the front page of Batlabs.

However, in order to do this - you must add yourself to the Knowledge Base Team. (I'm working on a way to avoid this step - but eh, it is what it is right now. Click Usergroups next to the Knowledge Base icon. On that screen, you should see "Non-Member Groups" Choose Knowledge Base team, and from there, you should be able to add yourself to the group.

I am leaving "editing" of articles on. It is up to you guys to use your best judgment. I don't want to make up a whole bunch of restrictive rules for this - because I want it to be somewhat open. However, if you do deface or otherwise do stupid stuff, I'm just going to turn off your access to the ENTIRE board and KNOWLEDGE base, no questions asked. I know your all smart, but this feature is going to be what you make of it. If it is abused, I'll pull it down.

Give the person who posted the article a PM before editing, explain your thoughts or ideas - or post them in the comments section. Allow that person to maintain responsibility of the page - before you run off and edit things. Work with each other to add ideas and information. IF you do edit an article, make note in the article at the bottom what you've changed, and sign your username.

With that - this is not a fully supported feature of PHPBB. There are problems/errors here and there - but they should be minimal, and easy to fix. Let me know, and I can try and fix/adjust things as I come across them.

Meanwhile, as stuff gets updated/posted here, I will work on seeing what influence I have to actually get some of this on the main site.


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Post by alex »

PJ has noted some issues when posting -- he's getting some errors in the header - it's fine - I'll address it as I have time.

You also need to be approved after joining the group apparently, so I'll keep an eye on that.

Still working out the kink's.

But errors when posting are fine - If you have a question or are concerned - drop me a PM.

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Post by kcbooboo »

The page also needs a link added to it so you can get back to the main Batboard menu and the Batlabs home page.

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Post by alex »

kcbooboo wrote:The page also needs a link added to it so you can get back to the main Batboard menu and the Batlabs home page.

Bob M.
Click "Batlabs Batboard" on any batboard page - and I'll bring you to the main forum list/home screen your used to.

I'll work on adding a Batlabs link, however, it's not high on the priority list.

Thanks for the suggestions

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Post by kcbooboo »

Sorry, I keep forgetting that's clickable. I should realize that anything in blue on phbbs means something.

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Post by Bob »

Not to be OVERLY picky, but...

Can you change the forum title on the main page from 'Knoledge Base' to 'Knowledge Base'?
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What radios do you own?: Radar Range

Post by JAYMZ »

Picky picky picky...


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Post by alex »

Ok - apparently - now if your a member of the group - you can now go in and actually post articles.

Someone PM'ed me and pointed it out.

Give it a shot.

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What radios do you own?: I can't enter that much....

Post by kf4sqb »

Alex, can we post pictures in the Knowledge Base articles? Might be apparent if I join the "team", but I haven't, so I'm asking.
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Post by alex »

Sure. You must however upload them to a site, and then link to the images from the knowledge base.

The only reason the group exists - is because I don't have a way to give everyone blanket permissions to it.

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Post by bellersley »


Could you create a forum/KB entry for such topics that would encompass more than one category? I was wanting to submit an article about booting into DOS as it seems to be a popular question around here, but none of the current categories would really be appropriate. Thanks!
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Post by alex »

bellersley wrote:Alex;

Could you create a forum/KB entry for such topics that would encompass more than one category? I was wanting to submit an article about booting into DOS as it seems to be a popular question around here, but none of the current categories would really be appropriate. Thanks!
Sure. I need to create those on the Backend - I created one last night so escomm could post an article. Drop me a PM with what you would like it called, and we'll move forward from there.

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Post by alex »

As an FYI:

I have no problems approving people to be a member of the group that helps add and maintain articles in the Knowledge Base. However, I'd like to not see you be a new user, with 0 posts signing up to get approved.

If you have something you'd like to contribute, and don't want to be apart of the normal group that posts here - that's fine, but drop one of us a PM, and we'll happily make accommodations to make you able to post.

But for the most part, we won't be willy nilly approving people who have no history on the forum.

Again, PM a moderator or admin, and we'll help you out.


(I denied 2 users with 0 posts this AM.)

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