MTX 900

This forum is for the discussions targeted at converting various models of Motorola equipment to operate in the 900MHz Amateur Band.

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What radios do you own?: ht1550 XLS,6 MT-1000,

MTX 900

Post by KitN1MCC »

any one do the mod to this radio on here
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MTX 9000 mods

Post by WB6DGN »

I'd be interested in hearing about that too. I have an opportunity to buy one of those and would like to know whether its worth it. Any and all information would be appreciated.

73 Tom KB5DPE
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Re: MTX 9000 mods

Post by Seth »

kb5dpe wrote:I'd be interested in hearing about that too. I have an opportunity to buy one of those and would like to know whether its worth it. Any and all information would be appreciated.

73 Tom KB5DPE

mtx9000 ?????
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Post by WB6DGN »

MTX9000 is a Jedi series radio (MTS2000, HT1000, etc) without fhe flash eprom of the MTS series. It is also available at 800Mc as the MTX8000. It is somewhat lower tier to the MT(S)2000 series but perfectly good for non trunking use (needs a dummy trunking channel, though). These are still quite commonly in commercial use, therefore are still readily available to hams as commercial users migrate to the Professional Series Motorola radios (or brand X, Y, or Z). It's covered in the Jedi manual. Hope this is what you wanted.

73 Tom KB5DPE
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Post by WB6DGN »

OOPS! I read the original post wrong! I added one too many zeros. Now I understand the question. Oh well, I still would like to hear about experiences with the MTX9000. Sorry for the mistake.

73 Tom KB5DPE
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Re: MTX9000

Post by kato56 »

kb5dpe wrote:(needs a dummy trunking channel, though)
73 Tom KB5DPE
Somehow, I've been able to get away with not having a dummy trunk channel programmed in my 9000's that I'm using conventional on the amateur band....
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Post by WB6DGN »

[Somehow, I've been able to get away with not having a dummy trunk channel programmed in my 9000's that I'm using conventional on the amateur band]

Interesting. I am drawing my experience from commercial use where a dummy trunking channel seems necessary. Guess I need to pick up one of these and play around with it. Wonder what software version you're using?

73 Tom KB5DPE
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Re: MTX9000

Post by kato56 »

I believe it is R060501, something like that.....
I have two MTX-9000 (b3 and b7) that don't have any trunking channels programmed in them.

kb5dpe wrote:[Somehow, I've been able to get away with not having a dummy trunk channel programmed in my 9000's that I'm using conventional on the amateur band]

Interesting. I am drawing my experience from commercial use where a dummy trunking channel seems necessary. Guess I need to pick up one of these and play around with it. Wonder what software version you're using?

73 Tom KB5DPE
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Post by AEC »

RSS vesions used depends on what the radio was last programmed with.

If a newer version was used, and all you have is an earlier version, say, R06.04, then you'll probably get the 'codeplug too new for this application' error.

Your best bet is to jump to at least R06.07, that way you stand a far better chance of NOT getting that dreaded error message as many don't use CPS.....yet.

But for ANY MTX9000 to work in the ham bands, the MTSX.ODB file MUST be hexed to allow adding 902/927 frequencies in, otherwise, all you'll get is the 'standard' 935.0000 showing up in the frequency entry field.

Once hexed, you should then be able to enter any amateur split pair of your choosing, all the way to the 160 or 255 limit(depending on how your radio is/was configured).

You might also consider the 'toolproof' issue on radios with a firmware version of 5.42 and later, as LAB RSS programming will most likely get you an almost permanent brick if you don't know how to perform the workaround to get out of it.....Just a precaution, that's all.
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Post by train_radio_guy »

As far as the old Genesis Series MTX900 radios are concerned, the mod is both hardware & software. If memory serves me correct, the software-portion of the mod is just the usual bit-banging of the mdf file I believe. Unfortunately, the hardware mod is quite intensive, and involves some serious micro-surgery. :-?

It's unfortunate that the hardware mod is so involved, especially with the plentiful supply of MTX900 & MTX900s portables, that are floating around the radio market - practically for nothing! I've got 6 or so laying on my bench, still stock & unmodified.

From personal experience, I'd recommend just latching on to a GTX900 (model 3) portable. They show up on ebay all the time, and usually sell for $ 50 - 100. The mod for the ham band is just the usual bit-banging of the mdf file - no hardware mod.

Good Luck,

- trg, 8)
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Post by AEC »

As for the's just leaverite!

Leaverite where you found it...too much detailed modifications to make this model a contender, in short, it's JUNK!

The GTX on the other hand, is easy to modify the .MDF file, reprogram and tune, but don't expect super receiver performance as they are only better than 'average' with a .30 to .45 for sensitivity, which is usually plenty good for many ham machines.

I wish the systems in my area weren't on splits the trunk systems use as the IMD products are horrible.

As a suggestion, shift your operations to 'normal' channels, like 927.300 or 927.410, as those don't appear to be as prone to intermod/interference as the .6375 splits are.

But one other note, the GTX portables have S L O W decode time, so you'll probably always hear a squelch tail, but I rarely hear anything with DPL usage though, that appears to work well.

I wouldn't even bother with 927.500 as a talkaround freq. due to the proliferation of baby monitors, cordless phones and other consumer garbage that uses the 900 band for their 'toys'.....Your receiver will rarely quiet if you choose to use that frequency, just load all channels with repeaters and be done with it.
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Re: MTX 900

Post by recurry »

KitN1MCC wrote:any one do the mod to this radio on here
I have done this mod on many MTX900's (of course I developed the mod - the mots6 !). Works great. These are powerful robust radios that really work quite well and they can be purchased really cheap. That said, an MTX9000 is a smaller more compact radio that requires only a software mod. I still find the MTX900's a good buy and fun to add the mod though. The mod is not difficult but of course, those that are merely an appliance operators best pass on the MTX900.

N6QL (formerly KE6WED)
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Re: MTX 900

Post by W6JK »

I have Genesis radios on several other bands, so it made sense to me to modify a couple for 902 as well. I ordered a the pic stics and had them sent directly to a friend who could program them for me. They're around here somewhere... Since then there have been plenty of GTXs and 9000s under the bridge, but I still want to mod the 900s one of these days.
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