Fuser Holder ID

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Fuser Holder ID

Post by scvfd1204 »

Does anyone happen to have the part numbers for the MOT fuseholders that use and long glass fuses similar to the ones that go inline for high power spectras?

Also, I am looking for a part number on the same style of fuse holder that takes the same diamater of fuse, but a slightly longer one.

Also, how about the fuse holder that has the twistlock cap on it for the standard glass fuses.

I had a cheat sheet made up from years ago, but it has since disappeared, and I would like to get a few of each of these holders ordered for an upcoming project.


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Re: Fuser Holder ID

Post by Batwings21 »

I think the spectra one is 0984277b01, and the shorter one is 0984277b02. But thats from memory, haven't used those in years. The other one, you are on your own, but they came with spectra's,maratrac's, mitreks I know on the green and orange leads, maybe some one has a manual handy to look them up, it was a kit with two complete holders in each bag.
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Re: Fuser Holder ID

Post by scvfd1204 »

I appreciate that. Both of those numbers are showing as available with MOL. I had about a 6 page cheat sheet I made up from the days when I worked in a MOT shop, but it has since disappeared, go figure.

I am still searching for the number of the small holders now. I remember getting them by the bag full when we would order them, like 100 at a time or so. Man those things came in handy for all sorts of stuff. I always soldered my terminals on, that way I could re-use the holder for something else if need be.

Thanks for the hlep thus far...
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Re: Fuser Holder ID

Post by jackhackett »

Do you mean the ones for the big glass AGU fuses? Try looking for type HEB-AA or HEB-BB.
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