OK, so a wave of these nifty new multi-band super interoperability units are preparing to his the market and it appears that the only people who will be able to afford them are DHS and a select few agencies with more money than they know what to do with.
Does anyone know if any grant programs exist so we can start applying for funding for these? We have had good luck with the CEDAP grants but that's only for specific items from a list.
Any ideas?
Liberty / Unity / APX - Are there any grants for this stuff?
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Re: Liberty / Unity / APX - Are there any grants for this stuff?
Not sure where I read it, but I do recall reading the Feds had to give permission to any non-Fed in order for them to be able to buy one
Re: Liberty / Unity / APX - Are there any grants for this stuff?
Strange you should think that. Thales is coming to meet with me (again), and I'm no Fed. They met with me and other Public Safety groups when they were coming up with the form-factor for the Liberty. Wasn't called that then - some Project X or something.escomm wrote:Not sure where I read it, but I do recall reading the Feds had to give permission to any non-Fed in order for them to be able to buy one
I will order some APX series, but only after the "bleeding edge" problems are all ironed out.
mancow - DHS grants for comm equipment will allow for these radios. You have to get in on how/when/who to work with to see how you can qualify for the grants in your state. Check with your SIEC guy - I'll have to dig out his name. He came out to visit several months ago.
Re: Liberty / Unity / APX - Are there any grants for this stuff?
Great to hear from you again Jack. I thought you had vanished.
Thanks for the info. I'm all about finding some cash somehow for some of these. Actually, I am kind of partial to the Harris Unity right now but I would take any of them. We now have access to the State P25 system so we have to carry two portables and occasionally three.
Thanks for the info. I'm all about finding some cash somehow for some of these. Actually, I am kind of partial to the Harris Unity right now but I would take any of them. We now have access to the State P25 system so we have to carry two portables and occasionally three.

Re: Liberty / Unity / APX - Are there any grants for this stuff?
Sorry - just so busy I haven't gotten out that way in a long time. You need to see what the vendors come up with to be able to be used on the Moto system you guys are putting in at the state level. We haven't had any to test over here, but maybe that will change in the not-to-distant future. We just OK'd the Tait hand-held to go on our system, and the FD I volunteer with is getting some. From all initial indications, the Tait has much better audio than the 2500, and at least as good a RX coverage. Only using HTs for now, I'll check to see if they are going to get a mobile going anytime soon.
Watch out for the M/A-COM P7100s - they don't do the "de-affiliate" signal when turned off. If you switch to an EDACS system before turning off, it will de-affiliate properly. It's only when turned off while on the Moto system that it gives the problem. The on-off switch kills power completely before the radio can send the signal. The new P7200 doesn't have the problem, but I don't think you have any EDACS out your way so you probably aren't interested in them anyway.
I've been intersted in the APX models because I need VHF and 800 trunked in our field cars and would like to save the interior real-estate so I can put satellite in - but I certainly don't want to be the first to use them either.
Shoot me your tel nbrs in a PM. I have had a computer melt-down, and two cell-phones go Tango Uniform from weather - so I've lost about 500 tel nbrs.
Watch out for the M/A-COM P7100s - they don't do the "de-affiliate" signal when turned off. If you switch to an EDACS system before turning off, it will de-affiliate properly. It's only when turned off while on the Moto system that it gives the problem. The on-off switch kills power completely before the radio can send the signal. The new P7200 doesn't have the problem, but I don't think you have any EDACS out your way so you probably aren't interested in them anyway.
I've been intersted in the APX models because I need VHF and 800 trunked in our field cars and would like to save the interior real-estate so I can put satellite in - but I certainly don't want to be the first to use them either.
Shoot me your tel nbrs in a PM. I have had a computer melt-down, and two cell-phones go Tango Uniform from weather - so I've lost about 500 tel nbrs.