I built myself a simple programmer with a USB TTL chip off ebay. I installed the drivers, pinned to some wires, and I can read the pager, but not write to it. I am only using Ground, Data TX, and Data RX... I am under the impression I do not need to supply power to the pager in order to write correct?
The chip has available ports: 3.3v, RST, TXD, RXD, GND, 5v
I am using GND, TXD and RXD.
Just trying to figure this one out in a hurry like always...
Programmer will read but not write
Moderator: Queue Moderator
Programmer will read but not write
I flatulate P25.
Re: Programmer will read but not write
Never mind. In fact, it does write. It gives an error message, but upon inspection, the codeplug did write to the pager.
This may be because there is no comparator circuit, as discussed here:
http://sites.google.com/site/radioetcet ... programmer
Happy I now have a way to program my own pagers for all of $10.
This may be because there is no comparator circuit, as discussed here:
http://sites.google.com/site/radioetcet ... programmer
Happy I now have a way to program my own pagers for all of $10.
I flatulate P25.
Re: Programmer will read but not write
For your amusement, here is my homebrew cardboard pager programmer....
I flatulate P25.