I just bought to VHF Astro Spectras here on the board and having an issue with both, they are both doing the same thing. They turn on fine, no error codes. Scan and receive fine, but when I transmit, when I let off the PTT button on the mic, the radio continues to transmit. It does not transmit from the mic because I talk into it and tap it and it doesn't tx the voice or tapping. Can't change channels or do anything with it at that point. I have to shut it off and start over. Any ideas? hopefully something small I overlooked....
serial 412AWQ0211 and 412AWQ0218
model T04KLH9PW9AN
flashcode 100004-000000-4 not the original flash, was upflashed
I have two other Astro Spectras that I hook up to the same setup and they work fine. both also W9s
Astro Spectra TX issue
Moderator: Queue Moderator
Re: Astro Spectra TX issue
AWQs? Old radios... have they been recapped yet?
Re: Astro Spectra TX issue
Are you running them off a bench power supply by chance?
Re: Astro Spectra TX issue
Don't know if they have been re-capped...
running them off the power in my car, with it running.
running them off the power in my car, with it running.
Re: Astro Spectra TX issue
Do they have UCM's in them ?
Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't!
Re: Astro Spectra TX issue
nope, however, I tried cloning another codeplug to it, but didn't notice it had a slight difference and didn't take, and then tried again for sh*ts and grins and its working, not locking up..... :-\
Re: Astro Spectra TX issue
Hacked codeplugs in them perhaps?
Re: Astro Spectra TX issue
Did you try a KNOWN GOOD control head?
Re: Astro Spectra TX issue
Same control head I use everyday with my personal setup, has worked like a charm for a few years