XTS3K; S-Record help: chng RF 400Mhz-->800Mhz

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XTS3K; S-Record help: chng RF 400Mhz-->800Mhz

Post by Zap »

Hi, I am sure this has been covered here but I can't find it and I have not done it since 2004, so I am no longer sure.

I have an XTS3K 400Mhz, I now want on 800Mhz.
I recall to begin the swap I want to back up my current radio.
I believe I need to back up the code plug first, then the s-record.
And I should not unpack the s-record as I am saving it.

I then take a s-record for the band/board I am moving to and push that in before I swap RF decks.
Then I upload a codeplug for that RF board.

THEN, I swap the RF boards.
Power-up and tune via RSS.

I have "access to" Astro8 Lab for s-record and astrop 9.05 for codeplug stuff.
These are the tools I used last time as they are the only tools I have used for this radio.
I choose to not use CPS, ever.

I have the s-record and CP of when I got the radio and it was 800 then, SN's will match.
I also have the 800 RF board that came out. (sorry, 400 not for sale)
My firmware has been upgraded since.

My question,
Has this procedure been posted and if so can someone help me find it?
Am I dead-on to what I need to do, or am I doing it in the wrong order.

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Re: XTS3K; S-Record help: chng RF 400Mhz-->800Mhz

Post by Zap »

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