ill be looking for a XTS5000 in UHF and any other P25 i can find, aswell as may look at a DMR radio too.
it would be nice to find a DMR that can be set to open squelch for general scanning of local commercial DMR systems.
ill be Bringing analog, and for digital...P25, NXDN
VHF XTS3000 mod 2
UHF XTS3000 Mod 2 (Yellow)
VHF Icom F3161DS (NXDN digital)
UHF Icom F4161DT (NXDN digital)
i may go old school and bring my MX360 with DES for 151.880
heres some topics i bring up each year in this thread.....
Frequencies.....the usual list
Name Frequency Service PL
Green 151.880 MURS D143 (typical batlabs VHF for analog and P25)
Blue 151.940 MURS D143
Red 154.570 MURS D143
Name Frequency Service PL
xband 146.5750 Analog Ham ___ D143 } Crossband
xband 446.8250 Analog Ham ___ D143 } DPL 143!
Astro 146.5650 Astro Ham IMBE CAI Digital CSQ
Astro 446.9250 Astro Ham IMBE CAI Digital CSQ
Alpha 462.6625 GMRS DPL 072
Bravo 462.6875 GMRS DPL 411
Charlie 462.7125 GMRS DPL 143
Delta 462.5500 GMRS DPL 627
Echo 462.7000 GMRS DPL 331
Would anyone be interested in getting together for a Batlabs dinner on friday night? Bring ur radios and show off what you got
it seems each year, most of the batlabs guys stay in the area of miller rd...
Last year i met a group of guys at the golden corral on miller road, it really wasnt hard to get a seat like some members suggested it would be.
i have made a list of all the eating establishments on miller road i could find i have included them below,i think the list represents a full range of eating interests.
can you make this a sticky, and set up a single poll with the following to select 2 options or 2 polls if it allows.
ARE you Going to Dayton 2013? and new for 2013..if so where would you like to eat dinner on miller rd?
Steak and Shake
Golden Corral
Olive garden
Smokey Bones
Chipotle Mexican grill
Tim Horton's
Outback steakhouse
Good Asian buffet
Max and ermas restaurant