Feedback - and what should we do?

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MT2000 man
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Post by MT2000 man »

Wow, too long to read all the comments :)
I tend to agree with Monty.
We should have a "points system" sort of thing, or "stars" or something to that effect, where good/bad comments can be made. The more the "icons"/"stars" the more trustworthy that user can be. So far, I've been lucky to have only gotten screwed once, and, had I been forewarned, (if he would have a "beware" icon, or something), who knows, maybe I wouldn't be short of $450. But , like almost everone elce said, its almost impossible to stop bad/sour deals from happening. No matter where you go (E-bay, here, etc.) you will have scammers.
I also like the way the boards is now, evean though I don't post as much as I used to (work related reasons), its still beats the ____ out of all the other radio sites.
I'm sure if we give the Moderators/administrators a chance, they will see what works, and what doesn't.

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Post by Donnie5063 »

It would help someone like myself trust the person I am dealing with more. Its hard to trust someone with a few hundred bucks when you dont have much to go on. I have done one dealing outside of ebay and it involved a Whelen Mini Strobe Lightbar & Yaesu FT-530 for 2 MAxtrac Mobiles and a NIB VHF HT1000. If I know what the others have gone through good/bad then I would deal more one on one!

Sometimes when a 911 call comes in here from a cell phone the number shows 911-0000 I just think that is goofy as heck. But I didnt dial 911!!
If you push that panic emergency button i'm gonna break your fingers!

try before you pry! maybe?
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Post by ke6iyc »

First off, as a professional in the bussiness for 8 + years, I have often found my self at the end of my rope, only to find the answer on the Batlabs site, so a BIG "THANK YOU".

Now, that being said, I would support whole heartedly a "feedback" style system. It works for Ebay, why not here?

I realize that I do not do a lot of posting, but that is my fault alone, and no one elses.

I am sure many other porfesionals, as myself, are looking for a good forum where ideas can be exchanged. And this is it, as far as I am concerned.

Now I will step down off of my soapbox, and allow the next user to step up.

Thank you. :P
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Post by joescanner »

Another neophyte delurks...

I haven't read all of the posts on this list, but most of them appear to say the same thing.

I am like an information sponge. I like to tinker with things to see if I can make them work (and sometimes, I like to take things apart just to see if I can put them back together again :)

I don't post often for that reason, but I do like to salivate over things on the For Sale/Wanted forum. Someday when I have money, I would actually like to try and buy some of those things.

I think that the E-Bay style feedback would detract more from this site than help it; I think that when an item is posted for sale, it should be restricted from having replies, or have replies go directly to the seller. The seller then could make a change to the original posting if necessary. I do think that having postings of for-sale items "moderated" for new users (like myself) would be a good idea; in that way someone could say "This is ok to post, but you might want to clarify X before we approve it".

If/when somebody gets burned, they post a single message that cannot be replied to, under the same limits posted above. Replies go to the poster directly, and if a misunderstanding becomes understood, the post can be changed by the poster.

The forum software is extremely configurable; I have a customized version that I run for another purpose. I hack PHP all the time and would be willing to devote some effort into adding "useful" features if you can't find them elsewhere.

and to all of the people "behind" batlabs, a very big thank you.
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Ratings System.

Post by Cowthief »


I think that a ratings system needs to look at the whole picture.
How would you rate somone?, how large a number of posts?, you could easily get into a post war, see how high I can get type of thing.
If the rating system is limited to sales only, then feedback becomes simpler, however, than you run the risk of becoming a radio-trader type of thing, perhaps not a bad idea, charge a nominal fee, could bring in income.
The small number of pests and varmin, should not dictate the rules for everyone.

Thank You.
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Re: Feedback - and what should we do?

Post by sglass »

lazarus here...that is all
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