Turbovui dispatch software
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Turbovui dispatch software
I installed CTI turbovui dispatch software for a customer, where the gateway and XPR4550 control station are remotely co-located. All aspects of this dispatch software work great except at intermittent times, when the dispatcher keys up, the software will go into a hi speed rapid fire audio jitter loop. I found that reducing the TX power output of the control station helps, and the RSSI threshold level is not set too low. Made sure that the gateway and control station are well grounded, and used RG-213 for extra shielding. Also had the IT folks recheck the LAN connection for sufficient bandwidth. Any ideas or suggestions would be most appreciated.
Re: Turbovui dispatch software
I'll forward your question to our Trbovui expert. He has about a hundred of them in service, and they do have their qwerks, but I've never heard him talk about a problem like this. I'd contact CTI.
Re: Turbovui dispatch software
Our expert also says to contact CTI support. He says they are very good about responding to customer issues.
He goes on -
He goes on -
When he said that cutting the power out of the control station helps, that makes it seem like an RF issue. The router/switch that the gateway is connected to, and the gateway are prone to have problems caused by RF. My first thought is where is the antenna? Having double shielded cable will not make much difference if the antenna is in the same room as the gateway. Most all the gateways we have are mounted on the same shelf as the control station, and we have not had RF issues as long as the connections are tight, and the antenna is outside the building. All of our gateways that I have been working with are UHF. Is his VHF? It seems to me that VHF is more likely to disturb computers.
Next, when he says the control station and gateway are remotely co-located, my question is how remotely? Does the control station have coverage in the dispatch center? Is there a possibility that someone is walking into dispatch with a portable on that channel, and the hi speed rapid fire audio jitter loop is actually the Trbo digital feedback loop?
One thing he can do, is look at the audio logging in the dispatch software and listen to the audio when this happens. Then, use Solo, or Trbotalk, basically the same thing, and connect to the gateway with the solo software. The gateway itself holds a log of all transmissions for 24 hours for use with the solo software. If the dispatch software log and the log in the gateway itself both were clear when the problem was happening, then that might say that it was not a network issue, but an RF issue on site.
Re: Turbovui dispatch software
Thank you for the reply. I did contact CTI and as you mentioned they are quick to respond. Their advice was as you mentioned to make sure the connections are tight. As for the other items; the antenna is outside the building, and the freq is 800Mhz band. Your last comment however is a strong possibility where the control station most likely provides coverage in the dispatch center, producing an overlap with the serving repeater. I will investigate that possibility further. Thanks again.