IMPRES Batteries And Chargers

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IMPRES Batteries And Chargers

Post by Jim1348 »

I have two IMPRES chargers and several IMPRES batteries. Recently I have noticed that when I put the batteries in either charger, I no longer get a green light. Does this simply mean that the batteries are worn out and should be replaced or could there be other possibilities? I do know that the chargers don not have the same firmware. One is version 3.9 and the other is a version or two older than that.
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Re: IMPRES Batteries And Chargers

Post by tsunami_australia »

What light(s) are you getting? For example my XTS2500 battery is croaked and it shows green/red alternating all day every day in the charger whether turned on or not. I just use it now as a receiver for home since I use the XTS5000 for everything now.
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IMPRES Batteries And Chargers

Post by Jim1348 »

Either yellow or red. It never goes to green.
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Re: IMPRES Batteries And Chargers

Post by tdats »

Your charger may have a handy sticker on the bottom of it that shows what the color codes mean.

Yellow means it is conditioning. This process, depending on how large the battery is, can take a very long time. I have 1 high capacity battery that when it decides to condition when I drop it in the charger at night will still be displaying a yellow conditioning light in the morning. Learned the hard way to force it to charge by taking it out and putting it back in the charger and wait for a weekend or something, or switch to a spare battery and let it do it's thing.

Until it finishes conditioning, every time that battery goes into an impress charger it will try to condition.
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