To start off with I've had a 800 MHZ Motorola Trunking System donated to me by a local business. The system is quite old but I would like to use it as a learning tool. I'm looking for someone to either point me in the direction of documentation / how to's or help walk me though how the system works.
I do have quite a bit of knowledge about Radios and repeaters. I do all the programming for the local Fire / Police / Ambulance departments, as well as maintain their repeaters. I have never worked with Trunking systems before, so this is a pure learning experience and this system will never be used for anything else.
What we received is what I assume is the Trunking Controller, 5 repeaters, and the duplexer cans.
I have included some pictures of the equipment we received. The information I would like to obtain to begin with is details about the Trunking Controller, and what each of the cards in the cage do, and how they are operated.
I have all the cables / connections, and have an Idea on how the Repeaters connect to the Controller (Cables / Repeaters were labeled Chanel 1, Channel 2, and so on. )
4 of the repeaters are MSF5000, and one is a MSR2000
The system was just taken offline last week and replaced with a newer system.
Thank you ahead of time to anyone who is willing to help me out with this.
Thank You.