Decoding and Decyphering Messages using Xp

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Decoding and Decyphering Messages using Xp

Post by deadman1961 »

Hi Guys and Gals,
Not sure if this post succeeded previously, but here goes:

I have three scanners hooked upto my xp running computer. One scanner is dedicated to a frequency that omits pager messaging that I decode via a program called PDW.
Another scanner is also hooked into the same computer and that decodes Selcall Tones that Our Fire Service uses.
I am having trouble with the performance of the PDW Program, About 1 Month ago, I had to re-Install the Operating Sysytem (XP Home), I ran a driver program from Iobit that installed all the neccesary Latest Drivers for the Sound etc.
As PDW is installed to use through the Sound Card, Im only getting a 25 -30% signal rate, Previously it was 95 - 100%.
Everything is the same, the program will not run Properly using any other operating system. Is there anything in the system or administrator files that can be tweaked.
I had a look at the Recording controls, and they are all greyed out except for the main volume

help will be greatly appreciated 8)
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Re: Decoding and Decyphering Messages using Xp

Post by tuckerm »

One thing I'd look at is the drivers. Just because its the latest, doesn't mean its the right one.
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Re: Decoding and Decyphering Messages using Xp

Post by Shuttle »

I use PDW on windows7 (64bit) with the serial slicer. I purchased the complete usb-connected kit from here:
Works like a charm
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Re: Decoding and Decyphering Messages using Xp

Post by train_radio_guy »

Most of the older Data Decoding Programs (i.e. MDT, RD-LAP, Paging, etc...) were designed around either a 2 or 4-Level Data Slicer Circuit, that connected/interfaced with a traditional 'true' serial port, rather than a USB-to-Serial Adapter or through a Sound Card, on a computer. The associated application or software, which interpreted the various signaling formats, was designed around either DOS or Win95/98 Operating System.

When programs began to utilize the sound card, instead of a 'true' serial port, they 'assumed' one program was being ran at a time. In other words, the system resources of the respective computer, were available to the decoding program exclusively, without competition. I suspect PDW & the program for decoding SelCall Tones are competing for system resources on your computer - resulting in poor overall performance. Out of curiosity, how does the SelCall decoding program interface to the WXP Computer?

While it may not make a difference, I noticed that you mentioned using WXP Home. Have you patched the OS, and has it been upgraded to SP3 (Service Pack 3)? Earlier versions of WXP may have had issues with running several similar applications concurrently. Another option would be to upgrade to WXP Professional SP3. I've found that WXP Pro SP3 doesn't seem to be plagued by the limitations of the Home Edition. Perhaps it handles the system resources in a more stable manner. Also consider the actual computer itself as in hardware. A newer machine (i.e. faster processor, more available RAM, & a larger hard drive) might be better equipped to handle running multiple applications, which use similar system resources, at the same time. Your results may vary, depending on any of those variables.

Another avenue might be, to run two separate computers, each dedicated to their own task. You could pick up an inexpensive KVM (Keyboard, Video, & Mouse) Switch, which would provide the ability to run both computers from one Keyboard, Video Display, & Mouse. You simply 'switch' between the computers as needed. I know a number of folks that have tried this setup with success.

Shuttle's suggestion of using the USB-connected kit, from Peter Hunt in the Netherlands is also a good option, since Peter has been the creator of the PDW program, since 2003.

If you have any other questions, please drop me line.

- trg, 8)
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