I'm programming a SL7550 from a pre-existing cqodeplug. I've edited the Cqodeplug to add my DMR ID Number and since I've changed it am using clone to put it in the radio. Get the usual waring that settings have been changed and tell it to go ahead. The radio gets written to and all seems well, until I check the utility menu and find out the stored ID number has defaulted to 10. Since my number is 3102002 this is a problem. What am I doing wrong?
Paul Spatzek KL7PS
Problems cloning a SL7550
Moderator: Queue Moderator
Re: Problems cloning a SL7550
You need to edit the CPS options (either from File or Edit? Going from memory, as many time as I've used the software, I should know better!) to actually clone the ID and not simply ignore what's entered into the text box (thus leaving whatever was currently in the radio). From the window that opens up, check the box to clone IDs.
Re: Problems cloning a SL7550
What I usually do in that case, once I have cloned it to the new radio, I then close the codeplug in the software then read the newly cloned radio. Change the ID then write it back to the radio with the normal programming, not cloning.
Re: Problems cloning a SL7550
Under Edit / Preferences / check "Clone Radio Identity".
KG4INW wrote:You need to edit the CPS options (either from File or Edit? Going from memory, as many time as I've used the software, I should know better!) to actually clone the ID and not simply ignore what's entered into the text box (thus leaving whatever was currently in the radio). From the window that opens up, check the box to clone IDs.