Quantar Linking 2m/440 & external controller

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Quantar Linking 2m/440 & external controller

Post by Scrotumola »

I have a VHF and UHF Quantar and a single SCom 7330 controller. Due to available space limitations at the sites, they will be deployed in opposing sides of town but will have similar footprints. I will be running them dual mode FM/P25. Internet and POTS are available, but T1 is out of the question. What would be the best way to link the 2 Quantars together. Will I need a second 7330, or will 1 suffice?


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Re: Quantar Linking 2m/440 & external controller

Post by Scrotumola »

I should add that both decks have v.24 cards in them
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Astro Spectra
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Re: Quantar Linking 2m/440 & external controller

Post by Astro Spectra »

Why bother with analog? Digital only is much easier and better.
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Re: Quantar Linking 2m/440 & external controller

Post by Scrotumola »


I'm trying to put P25 on the map here and gain a following by providing solid infrastructure, footprint and reliability. There has never been a P25 repeater here on either band and this will put P25 on the map. Further, the frequency coordinators also expressed concern about allocating a P25 only pair citing lack of demand and limited allocations, whereas DMR and Fusion are a dime a dozen. There's a lot of P25 2m around here, but on 440 it remains to be unseen, patching both machines together in both modes, I would hope promotes it's viability (akin 900mhz... it you build it, they will come.)

I look forward to your input. I've been googling and following threads and haven't found a difinitive solution.
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Re: Quantar Linking 2m/440 & external controller

Post by Scrotumola »


I'm trying to put P25 on the map here and gain a following by providing solid infrastructure, footprint and reliability. There has never been a P25 repeater here on either band and this will put P25 on the map. Further, the frequency coordinators also expressed concern about allocating a P25 only pair citing lack of demand and limited allocations, whereas DMR and Fusion are a dime a dozen. There's a lot of P25 2m around here, but on 440 it remains to be unseen, patching both machines together in both modes, I would hope promotes it's viability (akin 900mhz... it you build it, they will come.)

I look forward to your input. I've been googling and following threads and haven't found a difinitive solution.
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