MT1000 Lowband 42-50MHz to 39MHz?

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MT1000 Lowband 42-50MHz to 39MHz?

Post by d119 »

Anyone know if a 42-50MHz MT1000 will work on receive only at 39MHz?

I'm having a hell of a time trying to modify the RSS to allow the frequency entry. Seems 40.0 is the absolute furthest out of band it'll allow the radio to program before the RSS simply refuses to allow entry. I tried like hell to modify the RSS for 39MHz but I'm clearly missing something and it's been decades since I've done this.

It's a 99CH LB MT1000 and I'm using MT1000 R03.01 or whatever it is, can't remember off the top of my head. Is this worth doing, or will the stock radio not even receive down there?

Any hand holders out there?
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