Good Afternoon,
Are there any system admins out there that over see a moto m core system? We recently upgraded our system and we were told by big M that we could migrate our "permanent" patches to the core rather than tying up resources on our MCC7500's. There are certain talk groups we need permanently patched together, mainly due to our ISSI with a Harris system neighbor. Once we were upgraded though, we were unable to perform, what I will call, a "core" level patch.
Any one else run into this issue, any one found a solution or a way around not having to tie up a console for long term patching needs?
Thank You
Core Level Patching
Moderator: Queue Moderator
Re: Core Level Patching
You ought to be able to cross-tie between a CCGW on the M side and the equivalent MACOM or Harris console interface on their side. It's a simple 4-wire audio plus E&M pipe for each pair of talk groups. No crossover of unit ID, other signalling, or voice encryption. We deployed it for Oakland County MI working into Zone 2 of the Moto State of MI network before I retired about six years ago. Mot/MI Zone2 Master and MACOM/Oakland dispatch center sites were about 8 miles apart over a dedicated fiber link.