HT200 and HT220 crystals.

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HT200 and HT220 crystals.

Post by PETNRDX »

OK, there have to be a lot of folks with old dead HT200 and HT220 handhelds in a drawer somewhere.
I am really looking for crystals for a few frequencies for these beloved old radios.
Go digging and lemme' know what you find.
Steve K.
Stage 2
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Re: HT200 and HT220 crystals.

Post by Stage 2 »

I know this is an old post but, I'm old too and haven't been on the site for a while.

If you're still looking for these crystals, Bomar crystal in NJ is custom manufacturing crystals for anyone who want them including individuals. The caveat is you have to buy at least 2 and they cost 50.00 apiece.

Last year I had 2 made for an old Ritron repeater and they work just fine.
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Re: HT200 and HT220 crystals.

Post by PETNRDX »

Thanks, I knew Bomar was still doing them.
I was just hoping some people with old radios sitting it drawers would wanna' get rid of them.
I actually figure that 50 a crystal isn't all that bad when you consider they were something like 15 dollars fifty years ago.
Steve K.
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