Motorola R2200A and R2001D calibration service

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Motorola R2200A and R2001D calibration service

Post by crash »

I have two Motorola service monitors, an R2001D and an R2200A that I have been working on, and I lack the standards to calibrate the units, so I was wondering if anyone offers calibration services at a reasonable cost?

So far everything is checking out against all my other test equipment, so I don't expect any further repairs will be needed, but I would like certified results!
Jeff 'crash' Young N8CMQ
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Re: Motorola R2200A and R2001D calibration service

Post by sataraid1 »

I don't know what qualifies as "reasonable", but Auburn Metrology in Bowling Green, KY has worked on my 2001D and I was very satisfied. Easy people to work with.
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Re: Motorola R2200A and R2001D calibration service

Post by jry »

The R2001D may be worth the cost ....doubt the 2200 is worth it from a commercial value perspective.

The shipping cost alone any more would exceed the value IMHO

You would be better to invest in a GPS based reference for the frequency and standard deviation null for FM.

Output level I would get a decent used low power meter
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