CDM1550 front end alignment by RSSI?

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CDM1550 front end alignment by RSSI?

Post by Rack201 »

I have a UHF R1 CDM1550 that I’ve extended up to ~479 and I’ve adjusted the rx/tx piers according to the new range, which puts the tuning softpots out a bit.

I don’t fully understand the front end alignment process in the basic manual. It seems to be calculating a soft pot delta for the first tuning pier that applying the same delta to the others. Wondering if I can just align for maximum RSSI by tweaking the softpot values for each of the rx tuning piers?

I have backed up the tuning data..
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Re: CDM1550 front end alignment by RSSI?

Post by Rack201 »

Ran thru the alignment by peaking RSSI voltage for each tuning pier - working well.
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