XTL Hi Power O7 Control head issue

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XTL Hi Power O7 Control head issue

Post by WCHija »

I recently purchased a Q split UHF brick, which seems to work fine with an O5 head. I want to run an O7 head and bought a used one of those as well. When I go into CPS 20.01.00 the options in the drop-down menu stop at O3/O5 head. I get all the W series options, but it will not give me O7 or O9. I searched for a detailed service manual so I could compare part numbers etc, and could only find a manual for the W series of the XTL radios. Your help is greatly appreciated.

I would really like to know what Im doing wrong with the radio.
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Re: XTL Hi Power O7 Control head issue

Post by d119 »

The O7/O9 heads are not compatible with the XTL series mobiles, those are APX-only control heads.
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