Analog/Digital per channel?

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Analog/Digital per channel?

Post by Jaqx »

Does the XTS 3000 support analog and or digital on a per channel basis? I may or may not be asking this right, can you have a channel, let's call it channel 1, that you are using for digital operation on a unit to unit basis, can you monitor analog traffic on the same freq?

In other words, can you integrate the digital radio into an analog environment and still monitor the analog network.

Is it the same in the XTS3000/3500/5000?

Thanks Much,

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Post by alex »


You can have the channel set as Mixed Mode in the RSS. This will tell the radio to decode digital if it hears it, but also let the analog through. You should be able to set a PL for the channel as well.

Since Digital doesn't use PL I don't know if the radio checks the channel for digital as well as PL traffic, or it's looking for digital TX w/PL (which doesn't make sense anyway...) Never really tried and experimented with it.

However, you can only choose to transmit on digitial on one channel, or analog. There's no function besides creating 2 channels - One will have to transmit digital, and the other analog. There's no digital/analog talkback feature (e.g. when it hears digital, it'll assume digital tx for x# of seconds, same goes for analog) that I'm aware of.

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There is an SP RSS (USAF had this in 1998 - Yes it is an SP RSS, not Lab Software) that allows you to set up a special SP function button on the ASTRO Spectra's W9 head that says "ASTRO." You set up the channel for mixed mode so you can hear/RX analog and digital. Then, you set the default TX mode for one or the other in the SP RSS.

For example, let's say you choose FM as the default transmission mode for this mixed mode channel. If you do NOT press any buttons, you will (default) to TX in analog FM. But, if and when you press the ASTRO SP button on the W9 head, you will then transmit in ASTRO digital (IMBE), until you de-select the button (e.g., press it again to turn off IMBE TX on that selected Mode). Works real slick!

I was told that this RSS SP is set up to create a shadow mode wherein it is set for digital TX, but you don't see this mode on the display. But when you press the ASTRO button, it essentially switches to this shadow mode so it will then TX in ASTRO.

Works really nice as you can truly "set and forget" the Mode on the W9 head. If an ASTRO signal comes in, you simply press ASTRO, if you so desire, or you could choose not to hit the ASTRO button, in which case you will TX back in analog FM. Your choice, and you make it on the fly. If you don't need this feature, then you can simply set up the modes as is normal in the stock RSS. It makes for a very flexible and easy to use system for mixed mode use.

All this fuss will seem REALLY stupid (and downright silly) in a few short years when the majority of the big Public Safety Metro systems are 100% digital (Look for the Homeland Security Dept to allocate Billions of dollars of Federal funding for this complete switch to full digital---the Big Boys will also fully AES everything by then--Ba Bye, Uniden!). Think of all of the wasted investments (DIU 3000, and the like) and all of the huge miscellaneous costs to keep the dumb analog FM junk/stuff going. What a waste!

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Post by Jaqx »

I've been talking to my local M salesperson and he told me the only XTS that would pass digital and analog on the same channel was the 5000.

I'll discuss it further with him.

Thanks much,

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We use the XTS 3000 radios and just like the ASTRO Spectra, they will receive both analog FM and IMBE on the same selected Mode. Then, to TX in FM vs. IMBE, you may have to switch to the next mode, depending on how you set up the mixed mode in your RSS (e.g., to TX in FM vs. IMBE on mixed modes, the default is your xchoice via RSS programming).

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Post by Jaqx »

I figured that was the way it would work but my salesman said no, just the 5000 would do that.

I appreciate the help in clearing that up. We don't see a lot of digital around here and I guess it's a question that the salesman needs to brush up on.

Thanks for you help,

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What radios do you own?: X9000 thru APX

Post by Pj »

I wondered how many "needed" upgrades he has sold... :)

That's why he's the salesman..
Lowband radio. The original and non-complicated wide area interoperable communications system
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