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Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 2:43 pm
by richyradio
...geez...nobody with micoms? also have alot of junk, but what I have the most of is a box of about 100 MX-S uhf's (p.o.s.- they draw too much current)also a bunch of 72 mhz german mx's in there too....want to make a peice of art w/ all of them (or a retarted coat to wear at hamfests) just threw out a brand new (ie unused) pulsar II dual head imts and a brand new in box motrac 100 w. uhf 4 ch. w/ scan...boy, those things could suck the car battery right out of it's mount, not to mention stalling the problem is I buy stuff but don't sell any of it... I chuck it rather than go through the aggravation of selling it....

Radio junkie

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 3:22 pm
by Microwave Mike
That is a good Idea. I did see that PCS analizer go. It was very tempting.
If I need to work of any thing higher than 1.2 Ghz I use the set of mixers and filters I built up some time ago. I am looking for a noise figure analizer better than the HP I got. It is a real big pain to measure above it's rated 1.2 g input. The source goes out to 18 g. What I need is a 40 g HP 85xx series with all the software cards.
I shall keep an eye out for the Anritsu. That would be a great steal for 3 K.


Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 4:31 pm
by xmo
I hear you about the HP 85XX but boy they sure bring big bucks, even old ones.

I keep watching ebay - you never know when somebody might be eager to sell. I can't believe one auction I missed - somebody sold a working HP8720 VNA on a Buy It Now for $750.00. It lasted less than an hour from the time it was listed. Rats.

The Anritsu has a lot going for it. I was a little leary when I bought it since I had never seen one up close, didn't know anyone that has one to ask, and all I had to go on was the catalog sheet. In person, it does everything I needed it to do plus it's a good looking beast with color a LCD.

It has an MSDOS format floppy for storing setups. You can also direct that to be the hardcopy output device. If you have something interesting on screen - just touch the "COPY" button and the machine copies the screen to a .BMP file.

Re: Radio junkie

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 4:53 pm
by ricciticcitembo
Yeah, I have also had the pleasure of barrowing a pair of those
Hopping Havequicks from the junk yard. I really really wish I could
have kept them. They are so cool. Only 10 Grand a pair too.
I know that was a really special good deal too since they were
loaded, but I'll just have to try and wiggle out a couple for next
to nothing , cause I can't afford that but I'm still going to get them.
Current models too, filled with All the cards, since nothing less
would be acceptable. I just gotta find a better junk yard that's all.
Preferably one that stuff is free since They're busy crushing it.
I've gotten Real expensive stuff for free a lot actually, but just
not lucky enough for it to be radios. Test equipment yes, and
other cool things like Robotic Opto-Magneto Changer with Write-
only Option, and 30 Year minimum lifespan media for my logs.
It was Free, Brand new, filled with Carts and opts, and cost a LOT.
Still looking for a almost free NIB Fujitsu type3480 Cart unit. Even
the Fujitsu is 30K and it's not that good. It's small though which
is nice. I can't believe they still sell stuff like that anyway. I thought
everybody used DLT by now, but apparently not.

I also have 4 Ten foot tall 19" racks bolted together in my apartment.
It pulls about 1800 Watts continuously when It's just Idling.
The kicker is that I have an efficiency 2 room apartment, and my
Electric Bill is normally higher than the Rent. Also its about 3 times
higher than a normal 5 person household's Electric bill would be.

But Honestly I'm trying to get better. I don't really need all that
crap at Home do I ?!!?

At least it's nice to know that others have the same affliction.

And I know I'm not as bad, as that one guy I met at the Baltimore
hamfest who had brought SEVERAL complete working Mainframes
to sell. (No he didn't sell anything. LOL) But he's the guy who
turned me on to the SGI R10/12 K's. They can be small and very
powerful computers. I think I'm about done with anything thats
physically really big. If it can't fit on a desktop, I don't want it.
(that HP 8100DN with extra trays is about to break my desk....LOL)

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 4:13 pm
by wa2zdy
richyradio wrote: just threw out . . . a brand new in box motrac 100 w. uhf 4 ch. w/ scan...boy, those things could suck the car battery right out of it's mount, not to mention stalling the engine....
A motrac. Brand new in the box. You are 50 miles away from me.

PLEASE tell me you didn't REALLY chuck it out.

Where is that tall building I was looking at the other day?

A Motrac in decent condition within driving distance is up there on my list too. Ah well, someday.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 10:47 pm
by therealsean
My name is Sean and I need help! I've bought three radios in the past week and half! mt1000 vhf 16ch., mt1000 uhf 99ch., and ht1000 vhf. I am looking at a mt2000.



Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 8:17 am
by richyradio
Geez, I never thought anybody would want those things anymore...I guess they went from a radio one would use to a collector's item... I asked my radio friends if they wanted it and they pretty much laughed at the fact I still had it, much less trying to give it away...I tell 'ya, they were the first of a generation of really decent radios.....solid state recieve, powerful audio output (something alot of todays radios lack) only a few tubes in tx depending on model.... compact size...the only painful part of chucking it was the paint job on the case was mint...that blue-ish light metal flake finish......and that motrac smell....and that evil looking heat sink only a T74MST had to go...(i did pull out the 4657 'tho)... right now a seagull is perched on it admiring it.....I think I still have a new 4 ch scan head (actually it's a 4 ch motrac head w/ the scan head mated to the top of it if you are not familiar with it) if you have a need for one, Chris...

P.S. unfortunately, that tall building is in the same place the motrac is....
(actually, a piece of the antenna is in storage at Kennedy Airport waiting for the memorial to be built...this section came down in pretty much one piece, fiberglass radome relatively intact....)