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Re: Any local agencies still using the Astro Saber ??

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:25 pm
by w4jb
kyledooley wrote:This weekend on COPS, it appears that the US Marshals' Atlanta fugitive task force is still using them.

The guy they were riding along with had one laid out on the table in front of him for the roll call and was using an Astro HHCH in his expedition. Don't know if it was a famous-yet-elusive A3 head on an Astro Saber convertacom.
Saw this episode, too. I think I heard an analog hangtime come back when they unkeyed. Sucks they spend all that money on astro gear and they use it in the clear. I've purchased a few of those Q-split astro spectra (fed) radios from ebay, and all of them came configured as analog-only without astro enabled. I guess they were using them for old securenet instead of current technology.

Was a good episode. Loved the flash-bangs going off and all the neighbours coming out onto their balconies ;-)

Re: Any local agencies still using the Astro Saber ??

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:09 am
A few episodes back of COPS with US CBP, I noticed when they catching the illegal immigrants entering the US via a freight train along the US/Mexico border, the CBP officers were carrying ASTRO Sabers.

Re: Any local agencies still using the Astro Saber ??

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 1:02 pm
by Radio Intelligence Agency
And here´s an update from abroad.

The danish navy just replaced some system sabers with astro sabers and setup as analog only. Our airforce used to carry system sabers with trunking now they use the damned Tetra-net as well. The cops here still use MTS2000 VHF although most departments have switched to Tetra-net as well. The MTS2000 radioes are setup for a conventional system that was put in service back in 1993 so I gues they thought it was right to replace it with something more fancy.

Re: Any local agency's still using the Astro Saber ??

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:12 pm
by CTAMontrose
motorola_otaku wrote:Houston PD's using them until the 700 Astro25 system gets rolled-out. UHF range 2, model 2. Every one I've seen so far come up as surplus was 512K with VSELP firmware. Agency engraving is on the battery plate, of all places.
This is true, hopefully we can get them over to the APX line soon... they are getting a bit long in the tooth...

Re: Any local agencies still using the Astro Saber ??

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:56 pm
by MT2000 man
Radio Intelligence Agency wrote:And here´s an update from abroad.

The danish navy just replaced some system sabers with astro sabers and setup as analog only. Our airforce used to carry system sabers with trunking now they use the damned Tetra-net as well. The cops here still use MTS2000 VHF although most departments have switched to Tetra-net as well. The MTS2000 radioes are setup for a conventional system that was put in service back in 1993 so I gues they thought it was right to replace it with something more fancy.

Interesting !

It's amazing how long these MTS/Jedi radios are staying in service. My local department has had MTS2000's since new (they bought them around 1998, to replace old Maxon's). They still use them to this day, and have NO plans on going digital. I've seen a few XTS2500's trickling in (VERY few, like 1 or 2), but 99% of everyone has the MTS's. I guess that goes to say something about the quality of older radios.

Back on topic, I've been to a few airports, and where most of them used to carry Astro Saber II's, I notice most of them (Airport police / Customs agents, etc.) now carry XTS5000's. Other than that, I haven't seen an Astro Saber in service is a LONG time. Although (they came out around the same time) our State Police still use XTS3000's on the State Wide 800MHZ digital system, since around 2000 - 2001 ish.

Re: Any local agencies still using the Astro Saber ??

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:40 pm
by FireCpt809
My FD still primarly uses VHF DN model HT1000's We are phasing in HT1250's over the last year . I see this changing soon as the whole county is going to the Illinois Starcom21 Us and the neighboring FD are staying VHF but our PD's are going P25 800mhz so we will be seeing APX's soon I have a feeling

Re: Any local agencies still using the Astro Saber ??

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:41 pm
by dsheli
Don't Know if this was posted yet or not but occasionally will see a U.S. Border Protection officer wearing them on the show "Border Wars" majority seam to have XTS5000 now.

Re: Any local agencies still using the Astro Saber ??

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:37 pm
by asd6845
Dallas FD still uses the old analog Sabers.

San Antonio PD got rid of there Moto STX's in favor of M/A COM ProVoice and now they have to put more towers up just to regain the old coverage they had on the old Moto Type II SmartNet.

But I do have a Systems Saber III and Astro Saber III. Both VHF and they still work like new. People are see me with these and ask "How can you still be using that brick?" I just tell them that "They still work great". 8)

Re: Any local agencies still using the Astro Saber ??

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:12 pm
Alhambra PD here in California, regular patrol officers still use them.

Re: Any local agencies still using the Astro Saber ??

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:11 pm
by colby4601
Our Fire Service still uses Astro and System Sabers. Great rugged and reliable radios for the fireground.

Re: Any local agencies still using the Astro Saber ??

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:13 am
by icom98
Trenton, NJ Police still use Astro Sabers and I believe they are the last agency that use VSELP in the country.
Other agencies in the city (such as Fire) operate in analog. The Police refuse to upgrade because they like the advantage of not being monitored by the scanner people. I'm local and have a Uniden Homepatrol. When a VSELP signal is present the display shows "Police VSELP" and no audio is received.

Re: Any local agencies still using the Astro Saber ??

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 12:59 am
by radio-link
In Germany we have two nation public safety wide channel blocks, 80 MHz and 170 MHz, and for both bands the best radios one may carry are the Motorola Saber III and MTS2000. The older radios are Bosch and Telefunken, then there are some Kenwood, many AEG/EADS for car mount, end even some China handheld radios got the approval.

Both Saber III and MTS2000 have special firmware for German PS radio. For my collection I own two of the 80 MHz radios, one original, one with a replacement housing taken from a System Saber. Also I own three System Saber III that I still were not able to get down to 144 MHz ham, and two UHV Astro Saber II that I use for ham radio almost daily.