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RIC to Astro Spectra

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:40 pm
by kj4bnd

I need to take an Astro Spectra that is listening to a Trunking talkgroup and connect it to a two way RIC. I will either connect the other side of the RIC to a UHF Radio or directly to our UHF Quantar repeater.

I have the radio shop supposedly looking at completing this task, however our local shop seems to have more pressing issues..

When i spoke to them about doing it they tell me they have to modify something internal to the radio as the COR circuit looks at the Control channel.. The conversation then went to selling us an XTL2500..

Im not sure how to proceed but if anyone else has performed this and has a pin out.. I would greatly appreciate it.


Re: RIC to Astro Spectra

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 2:19 pm
by Will
There is a way to get filtered audio from the receiver out to the 15 pin jack. Then that is sent to the Quantar's wireline input.

Re: RIC to Astro Spectra

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:14 pm
by escomm
Two way operations? Sorry, don't think that will be happening easily. Is the trunk system on UHF or another band? You're probably going to need a Pyramid SVR or the like. Even then, there's not a great way to ensure the UHF radio has a channel grant on the trunking system. More details on the setup are required.

Re: RIC to Astro Spectra

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:30 am
by jnezbeth
I've manufactured an interface board so as to interface Motorola Smartnet trunking radios to ASTRO repeater.
Contact me for addtl. info

Re: RIC to Astro Spectra

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 8:50 am
by W1HVN

There you will find jumper config for rx audio, ptt, and your COR sense line will be the VRS tx pin, although I'm not sure what logic it uses, you may need to flip it or modify it for compatibility with your Quantar.

For the love of Pete, don't let the MSS steer you to an XTL when you seem to have a pretty good handle on where you stand in this project; however having said that, then again, remember with Misssion Critical applications, you should go Stock unmodified, hence the 2500, IMHO