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Service monitor for ht1000/mt2000
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:38 am
by nrembis
Hello, I have no idea how to use a service monitor for alignment, my skills end at programming radios and pagers, lol...I would like to learn how to do full service alignments on ht1000 and mt2000 radios only so what is a basic starter monitor that I would need to get for just those radios.
Re: Service monitor for ht1000/mt2000
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:48 pm
I take it from your comments that you don't intend to do any field work that requires hauling the monitor around. If that's the case, in my opinion, the best value in a service monitor today is the HP8924C. It is a full capability monitor with even a spectrum analyzer and tracking generator but, due to the sheer quantities available, prices range from the low $1000 to about half of that depending on condition, time from last calibration, etc. At 59 pounds, though it is very heavy to be hauled about. While you believe that you only want to work on a limited number of radio models, as time goes by, that WILL change. This service monitor will do everything you would reasonably want it to do and will keep up with you as your capabilities increase. Furthermore, its Hewlett-Packard quality, something that, in my opinion, you won't find in any other brand available at any price. They're available online and through several test equipment dealers. My own personal preference is Rick at Amtronix in New York. He's got some very good values and his integrity can't be beat. I have NO affiliation with Amtronix except as a very loyal customer. Good Luck!
Re: Service monitor for ht1000/mt2000
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:22 pm
by nrembis
Thanks for the reply, I have no use for the monitor to be used in the field, I only want it for taking care of my own radios at home and the occasional FD buddy that wants his checked.
Re: Service monitor for ht1000/mt2000
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:35 pm
by nrembis
Also with a service monitor do you still need the rtx4005b test set or will the monitor cover full alignments ok?
Re: Service monitor for ht1000/mt2000
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:31 pm
The RTX4005B (or its newer equivalent, I forgot its part number) provides the interface between the various functions of the service monitor and the radio to easily allow transferring signals and readings between them. As such, while its not exactly "necessary" it sure make life easier because you would have to duplicate its functions manually if you didn't use it. Your test setup involves interconnects between your computer, service monitor, and an AC/DC voltmeter, routed and controlled by the test panel. Look through one of your radio's service manuals. There is usually a pictorial diagram of the recommended test setup showing how the various components are interconnected and the signal flow between them. This should help you get a better picture of how the various components interact.
Re: Service monitor for ht1000/mt2000
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:51 pm
by nrembis
Im wondering if no more than what I want to do, especially since Im just learning if a Cushman CE3 or 4 will work for what Im wanting?
Re: Service monitor for ht1000/mt2000
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:59 pm
by Tom in D.C.
Cushmans are great as long as you get one in relatively good condition. A CE-6 will let you do readouts on a 12.5 kHz radio,
whereas a CE-3 will only display three digits to the right of the decimal point, making it a 25 kHz instrument. Cushmans can be
found on eBay all the time, but of course it's a "buyer beware" type of situation. I have a site that specializes in these units that
I'll dig out and send to you.
Re: Service monitor for ht1000/mt2000
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:03 pm
by nrembis
Thanks Tom, Ive seen Cushmans listed on ebay and for somewhat reasonable prices, thats why I asked, considering no more than what I will probably use the thing and besides I have been married for 22 years and know full well who controls the money, certainly not me, my wife would sh$%t a brick if I dropped a grand on something like that, LOL
Re: Service monitor for ht1000/mt2000
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:31 pm
by Tom in D.C.
I have a 3 and a 6, both of which work very well despite their age. One has a scope and the other has a meter
for checking deviation. The various plug-in modules are available from many sources, as is at least one service
company that specializes in mods and rebuilds.
Re: Service monitor for ht1000/mt2000
Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:40 pm
by nrembis
Thanks for the info Tom, I may have found a line on an R2001 that should work for me, dont know yet.
Re: Service monitor for ht1000/mt2000
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:31 pm
I like the 2001 series monitor; used one at work until I retired but one caution. Be very sure that the CRT is bright and good focus. Many problems with the display and HV power supplies with the ones my employer had. A replacement CRT, if you can find one, was well over $1000 before I left in 2005. Don't know what they cost now but I'm sure they haven't gone down in price!
Re: Service monitor for ht1000/mt2000
Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:26 am
by nrembis
WB6DGN wrote:I like the 2001 series monitor; used one at work until I retired but one caution. Be very sure that the CRT is bright and good focus. Many problems with the display and HV power supplies with the ones my employer had. A replacement CRT, if you can find one, was well over $1000 before I left in 2005. Don't know what they cost now but I'm sure they haven't gone down in price!
Thanks for the info Tom, I will have to rely on the seller of the 2001 to make sure its good, I dont have the experience with monitors to really know what im buying and what I need to be looking out for. Im sure the seller of this r2001 will be straight up with me if it turns out to be ok to sell.
Re: Service monitor for ht1000/mt2000
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:27 pm
by JohnDo
Hi Nrembis
I was in the same boat as you and wanted a Service Monitor for simular resons. As mentioned in this tread you will start to learn alot more about things and will start to want more featurs out of your Service Monitor. I got myself a R2024D/HS and have been very happy with it. I did alot of reading and reserch before I purchased mine and I opted for a 2001D series as I had my heart set on a Motorola Unit. Just ensure you get a later D series, they where more reliable and should have the full options menu. Early D series had the limited options menu and requied the top lid as a refference. You can also build your own RLN4460-X test box. I found all the info here to build my own and the nessary cables.