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FCC ULS help

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:30 am
by nrembis
Hello, arent govt entities exempt from ULS licensing fees? also anyone have any tips for helping me get a repeater pair to use for my fire dept as a fire ground...Ive never used the ULS system but I do have an FRN.

I also have the old city police band thats in our chiefs name for the PD and would like to have that switched into my name for the FD, can I just have them reasign that one to my FRN?

Re: FCC ULS help

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:20 am
by Jim202
nrembis wrote:Hello, arent govt entities exempt from ULS licensing fees? also anyone have any tips for helping me get a repeater pair to use for my fire dept as a fire ground...Ive never used the ULS system but I do have an FRN.

I also have the old city police band thats in our chiefs name for the PD and would like to have that switched into my name for the FD, can I just have them reasign that one to my FRN?

Your personal FRN won't work for the fire dept. They already should have one assigned due to any license they have. A simple search should find the frequency, license and the license should list the FRN.

On your second question about the PD chief's name on the license / frequency that you want to scoop. It sort of depends on what frequency it is. Even though many agencies are able to get some assignments outside of their normal use, the FCC still would rather the frequencies be used by the type of agency that the channel is assigned to. They do bend a little if the channels are not being used in the region and there is no other choice for the public safety use.

Re: FCC ULS help

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:28 am
by Andy Brinkley
Here goes:

Government Agencies are exempt from ULS licensing fees.

In order to obtain new frequencies get out the check book and fork over a hunk of cash (I would guess $500 - $1000 for coordination, and this is after you have form 601 complete) to one of the FCC approved frequency coordinators to get a new frequencies. A list of the coordinators is at: ... coord.html

If you are not familair with the ins and outs of the ULS system you would be better off having your local radio shop handle the licensing..

As far as the consolidation under one FRN you can do it, just takes time and some leg work, but not really sure why you need to do it.

Re: FCC ULS help

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:31 am
by nrembis
Its listed under our village with our police chief as contact, Thats what I need to get switched ... gn=WNWV239

their is the callsign from radio reference, PD no longer uses it as they switched to MARCS, our police chief renewed it so we(FD) could still use it as a Village Fire Ground. But he took the repeater out. I want to put a new repeater in and get the tower location moved, up the wattage(if possible) and add more mobile and portable units to the license.

Re: FCC ULS help

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:34 am
by nrembis
Andy Brinkley wrote:Here goes:

Government Agencies are exempt from ULS licensing fees.
Volunteer fire departments that are not directly a part of a local government are not exempt from the fees.

In order to obtain new frequencies get out the check book and fork over a hunk of cash to one of the FCC approved frequency coordinators to get a new frequencies. A list of the coordinators is at: ... l_business

If you are not familair with the ins and outs of the ULS system you would be better off having your local radio shop handle the licensing..

As far as the consolidation under one FRN you can do it, just takes time and some leg work.
we are ran by our village municipality and are a combination department....

Re: FCC ULS help

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:41 am
by Andy Brinkley
You will need the services of a frequency coordinator to move the transmitter site / increase power, etc.

You also will need to add narrowband emissions (11KOF3E) to the license before the end of the year.

Re: FCC ULS help

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:14 am
by SteveC0625
Also, keep the FRN in the name of the Village and simply change the contact information for it to yourself. Then, share the info, including password, with at least one other responsible person within your agency and your village government. Edit to add: If there are other licenses on the FRN, you will need to sit down with who ever is involved decide how to manage all this. If there are multiple FRN's for the Village, you can either consolidate them under just one, or keep them separate if different Village departments are involved.

When I consolidated the licenses for our Town and Ambulance Squad (run by the town) to one FRN, I gave copies of all the info to the EMS Chief and the Town Highway Department Supervisor.

FWIW, when I filled out the FCC forms to do this, they wanted my title. I simply listed myself as Narrowband Project Manager.

Once you have the FRN updated, and your access to the ULS squared away, immediately file narrowband emission mods. There is no charge, and the FCC is processing these changes within a day or two if there are no complications.

Edit to add: When you file the emission changes, you can change the contact info on the license with no problems. Best to have the FRN contact info and the license contact info be the same.

Re: FCC ULS help

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:19 am
by nrembis
SteveC0625 wrote:Also, keep the FRN in the name of the Village and simply change the contact information for it to yourself. Then, share the info, including password, with at least one other responsible person within your agency and your village government. Edit to add: If there are other licenses on the FRN, you will need to sit down with who ever is involved decide how to manage all this. If there are multiple FRN's for the Village, you can either consolidate them under just one, or keep them separate if different Village departments are involved.

When I consolidated the licenses for our Town and Ambulance Squad (run by the town) to one FRN, I gave copies of all the info to the EMS Chief and the Town Highway Department Supervisor.

FWIW, when I filled out the FCC forms to do this, they wanted my title. I simply listed myself as Narrowband Project Manager.

Once you have the FRN updated, and your access to the ULS squared away, immediately file narrowband emission mods. There is no charge, and the FCC is processing these changes within a day or two if there are no complications.

Edit to add: When you file the emission changes, you can change the contact info on the license with no problems. Best to have the FRN contact info and the license contact info be the same.

Thanks, our village has several frequencies under one FRN, maybe 2, not sure, but they use the contact info for whoever the person takes care of radios in each viilage dept....waterworks, FD, PD....etc..