ML900 Thouch Screen problem
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ML900 Thouch Screen problem
I recently aquired a ML900 cheap. The battery is bad but it runs OK on AC adaptor. The touch screen is crazy in rthat when I pen left the cursor goes left, right goes right. Pen up the cousor goes DOWN and pen down the cursor goes UP. Wacky! reloaded the drivers and peeked at the config file with no luck. Could a cable be pluged backwards on the touch PCB? I figured I ask before opening it up. Also the WIFI (802x) module is absent. Is that a generic piece?
Re: ML900 Thouch Screen problem
Well, after opening up the screen case it appeared all was well there. I found some updated drivers from the Mfr of the touchscreen and that fixed it. There are even more options to configure. It was a "Universal driver" for serial of USB boards.
Re: ML900 Thouch Screen problem
Penmount is the OEM of touch function.
If you didn't already, on the Motorola/Symbol site (and should be in one of my ML900 product guides) is the current drivers/software for the ML900 and ML900-NOA. Those should work well and play nice with the hardware as spec'd by Moto.
If you didn't already, on the Motorola/Symbol site (and should be in one of my ML900 product guides) is the current drivers/software for the ML900 and ML900-NOA. Those should work well and play nice with the hardware as spec'd by Moto.
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