ML900 Thouch Screen problem

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ML900 Thouch Screen problem

Post by wd4llq »

I recently aquired a ML900 cheap. The battery is bad but it runs OK on AC adaptor. The touch screen is crazy in rthat when I pen left the cursor goes left, right goes right. Pen up the cousor goes DOWN and pen down the cursor goes UP. :o Wacky! reloaded the drivers and peeked at the config file with no luck. Could a cable be pluged backwards on the touch PCB? I figured I ask before opening it up. Also the WIFI (802x) module is absent. Is that a generic piece?
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Re: ML900 Thouch Screen problem

Post by wd4llq »

Well, after opening up the screen case it appeared all was well there. I found some updated drivers from the Mfr of the touchscreen and that fixed it. There are even more options to configure. It was a "Universal driver" for serial of USB boards.
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Re: ML900 Thouch Screen problem

Post by Pj »

Penmount is the OEM of touch function.

If you didn't already, on the Motorola/Symbol site (and should be in one of my ML900 product guides) is the current drivers/software for the ML900 and ML900-NOA. Those should work well and play nice with the hardware as spec'd by Moto.
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