Minitor V vhf out of band won't tune

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Minitor V vhf out of band won't tune

Post by rileym »

I have a pair of Minitor V pagers in VHF. Labeled as 160's band. Used engineering mode to change to 150's. Will not lock on channels in the mid 150's. Anyone have any ideas on what else I can do?
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Re: Minitor V vhf out of band won't tune

Post by DJP126 »

Unfortunately, you can't just go into the software and reprogram the range info. The RF boards are diferent for the ranges. You are fighting a hardware problem.
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Re: Minitor V vhf out of band won't tune

Post by rileym »

I had seen this done successfully with III's and IV's. Can they be re-tuned the same way?
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Re: Minitor V vhf out of band won't tune

Post by btm »

I'm curious why this Minitor V band splits are narrow. I would be interested if anyone has taken one apart and has an explanation. I hear that Motorola doesn't even let the shops take them apart and they have to send them to a Motorola depot to change parts, possibly due to the IS rating. P&W Service lists a VHF receiver board for band split B for the Minitor V but explicitly say that it "will not work to change band split." But, I emailed them about changing the band split and they said "The Pager must be purchased on the correct band split. We do not offer a service that will do that."
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Re: Minitor V vhf out of band won't tune

Post by wkr518 »

True, I dont know of any ships that take apart Minitor Vs to work on them.Have run across some aftermarket housings in crazy colors for the V but usually I see them because they have issues.
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