HT1250 Knob Replacement

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HT1250 Knob Replacement

Post by ten13 »

Is there an easier way...besides brute remove the old knobs on an HT 1250?

It seems that many people indicate that it's easy, until even they do it.

I also hear that putting the new knob on is a bit of a deal, too.

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Re: HT1250 Knob Replacement

Post by snjct2000 »

It is pretty easy.

What I do is put a piece of cloth over the knobs for protection before I grip them with the pliers. Then just pull straight up (don't wiggle them).

Putting new ones on is easy too. You just need to push them down hard. I get good results by just using my hand and some pressure.
guy being a guy
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Re: HT1250 Knob Replacement

Post by guy being a guy »

I myself think it's pretty easy.
A pair of pliars. pulling straight up will work. You may distort the rubber on the outside if that bothers you.
A small flathead srewdriver and just pop it off.
They ( Motorola ) produced a special knob pulling tool and chassis opener. It does help and I use it.
Part # 66-86533Z01 , don't know the cost, but maybe you should investigate it as it is useful.
As far as putting them back on .......Again, I think it's pretty simple as well. The "key" is to line up the "D" shape corectly and just press it on .
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Re: HT1250 Knob Replacement

Post by Garyf629 »

If your talking about the Volume and Channel Selector knobs on top. I just use a pair of needlle nose pliers, gently grab the knob below the raised portion, using the case as a fulcrum, gently pry up. I have never had a problem putting them back on.
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Re: HT1250 Knob Replacement

Post by com501 »

Or you could use the knob tool.....
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