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Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2001 5:56 pm
by raymond345
Why does it get hard to believe
that motorola made a maxtrac 60 watt
99 channel mobile with special RSS?They
also made a MT1000 42-50 mhz portable.
Do u not do any home work before repling on this board? Raymond

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2001 10:33 am
by phrawg
Yes, most of us have done an extensive amount of "homework" and many years of working with their products. You just answered your own question in your post.
// made a 99 ch and I now quote your post
"with special rss" . Not all sp things
// made are in all of the manuals
and advertised in their product lines. Therefore a majority of folks here may well have NOT heard of such an SP unless they had need for it or asked // if it existed.
Stick around and maybe you will learn of a few SP's you didnt know existed also.