Quantar SCM Firmware Versions

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Quantar SCM Firmware Versions

Post by Tim »

Hi Folks,

I'm trying to figure out the latest release for the SCM firmware is for a quantar that I have, but it begs an even larger question:

What firmware versions can be used with what number board?

I wouldn't figure that you could take an 'ancient' SCM, and put the latest firmware on it... there's probably a 'final' rev for a particular board.

The particular SCM that I have is a CLN6961A46.

Does anybody have a list? (pipe dream???)


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Astro Spectra
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Re: Quantar SCM Firmware Versions

Post by Astro Spectra »

Your board will run the last firmware release, R020.14.048, provided it has the FLASH simm in addition to the regular (DRAM simm).

You can run new firmware on old 4094 boards without a simm given some work see:

https://www.p25.ca/threads/4344-Motorol ... emory-simm
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