Nucleus on the air in Reno.

This forum is for the discussions targeted at converting various models of Motorola equipment to operate in the 900MHz Amateur Band.

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Nucleus on the air in Reno.

Post by PETNRDX »

We put the Nucleus on the air today on Red Peak in Reno, NV.
It replaces a DX-RADIO brand repeater that worked pretty well at the same location, but the Nuke with a Maxtrac receiver works quite a bit better. Quantar RX is in the works.
Thank you to the folks that sent me info to get the Nuke running.
Running 150 watts to the duplexer, nets us approx 100 w to a temporary antenna at about 20 ft.
DB809 (I think) is in hand, but need custom brackets to arrive for mounting at the top of the tower.
Will be LDF7 fed when it all gets done. All jumpers are FSJ4 and as short as reasonable. ( We have been doing this a few years ).
So far the outbound improvement is tremendous. Need to get over all that part 15 stuff in buildings and businesses.
We are very fortunate to get to build and install a pretty much first rate system.
Having fun...
Steve K.
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