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ZETRON 459 LTR Trunking with Quantar or MTR2000

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:20 pm
by kj4bnd
i will likely get run off the board for asking this, but here goes.

I have a zetron 459 LTR Trunking controller.

I have 3 options for repeaters
Icom 3000 -- Prefer not use this one (50 Watt)

I can use either the quantar or the mtr and be just as happy. Currently i do not have the mtr programming software or cable. (Going to log into MOL as soon as i post this)

Has anyone had any success linking the zetron 459 controller with one of these repeaters? If so are there any pin outs available or should i just buy the $300 cable from zetron for the repeater?

Any hiccups anyone cares to pass along?
